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Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 29.03.2003, 18:13:

  what's next??

daniel should finally learn the superman words...
and why did he sing with playback? well i guess they didn't trust him this time after all the mistakes he had done last week....

don't get me wrong, i love daniel but he starts to..... i don't know!
never mind!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Flodda am 29.03.2003, 18:15:


I think, he isn't good in learn English texts.


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von audrey am 29.03.2003, 18:59:


Sorry, nur in deutsch...

Ich glaube nicht, dass ER etwas daf?r kann, dass die ihm das playback st?ndig unterjubeln.
Er hat bei dem Auftritt wahrscheinlich live gesungen (spreche jetzt nicht nur von TOTPs, sondern z.B. auch von der letzten Sendung oder der BSS), nur oft ist es so, dass dann f?rs TV einfach das "Original" dr?bergespielt wird, so dass es aussieht, als w?rde er nur playback singen.

Das heisst also nicht, dass Daniel nicht live gesungen hat bzw. nicht live singen kann, weil er den Text nicht kennt. Er kann den bestimmt!

...denkst du vielleicht grad an mich, dann singe ich ein Lied f?r dich...

.:Mr. Schraubelocker:. (meine HP) --> schon ?ber 1200 Bilder online!!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 29.03.2003, 19:21:


can someone translate for me?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von MizzAj am 29.03.2003, 19:21:


kann man da nix gegen sfernsehn tun? ich mein...da singt man live und gibt sich alle m?he und im tv wirds dann mit playback ?berspielt... find ich echt doof...


*oooh, mein goottt!! diese arme wiese!*
~its funny how life can take new meanin - u came & changed what i believed in~

Geschrieben von Cookiemonster am 29.03.2003, 19:22:


das ist wirklich schrott endweder total live oder total playback sonst h?rt es sich einfach nur komisch an

Cigars in the summertime under the sky by the light
I can feel you read my mind
I can see it in your eyes under the moon as it plays
like music every line
There's a rug with bleeding dye under the fan in the room
Where the passions burning high by the chair
with the leopard skin under the light
It's always Penny and me tonight

Geschrieben von San am 29.03.2003, 19:25:



It's about playback... It seems to be used in general (annoying to many of us), it's obviously nothing to do with Dani himself. Hope he'll do without it in his own shows...

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 29.03.2003, 19:27:


yea i saw they all used playbacks... god even julliet.!!!!

i take back all i said sorry....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 29.03.2003, 19:35:


Mein Gott, das kann doch nicht sein. Ist Daniel der erste, der playback performt!?!? Hallo aufwachen! Das entscheidet nicht der jeweilige K?nstler, sondern das Format der Sendung gibt vor, ob playback gesungen wird oder nicht.

Aber ich bin sicher, wenn live gesungen wird, h?tten viele Probleme, dass Daniel live singen kann wissen wir. Und er muss sich nicht sch?men, dass er die Lippen nicht synchron bewegen kann wie ein Depp.

Sorry adi, I don't know what it's like in Isreal or where you come from, but here it is not possible to perform live in every show - and this is not the decision of the artist . Nobody can be that naiv!!!!!


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 29.03.2003, 19:45:




Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von audrey am 29.03.2003, 20:17:


Original von MizzAj
kann man da nix gegen sfernsehn tun? ich mein...da singt man live und gibt sich alle m?he und im tv wirds dann mit playback ?berspielt... find ich echt doof...

TV eben... das ist aber oft so...

...denkst du vielleicht grad an mich, dann singe ich ein Lied f?r dich...

.:Mr. Schraubelocker:. (meine HP) --> schon ?ber 1200 Bilder online!!

Geschrieben von Renate Linnenkoper am 29.03.2003, 20:44:


Hey Adi,

I have to admit, after your last message (about Daniel and the war) I thought you didn't like him anymore, so I'm glad you still do. He's got faithfull fans.

I'm sure he doesn't even like to playback. I always liked it better when he sang live (different atmosphere because it's real or something) so I hope he sings You Drive Me Crazy live tonight. (without the music in the background so you can hardly hear him)


SuperDani has put a spell on our hearts. We hope the spell will last forever!

Daniel K Superstar is Top of the Pops!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 30.03.2003, 14:40:


I'm glad to be a dani fan :), i won't break down so easy, maybe he sais stuff, but it's because he is impulsive....

i think it wasn't live yesterday, like that alex's song wasn't live as well... (hehehehe did you see it??)
the girl he put on stage- how lucky she is!!!!!!!!!!!
but i think she came for alex and not daniel...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Mary am 30.03.2003, 14:52:


Oh yes, I really wanted to be this girl, when I watch the Show!! I think, she didn't know how much good luck she had! It can be that she came for Alex.. If I'd be she, I would do more than stand and look!
(I hope you can understand my terrible english *g*)


Das sch?nste Paar im TV..

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 30.03.2003, 16:17:


i know!!!
at that moment i wanted to be her..!!..!!..!!
but why daniel picked her? there are so many screeming girls in the audience and he took her....

and don't worrie i understand you perfectly!
i'm glad you havn't noticed yet that my english suck....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Mary am 30.03.2003, 17:45:


Well, your english is much better than mine
I think, he didn't look at the person, who he choose! He just took someone, who sat in the first line! I don't know, if the girl was really pleased..


Das sch?nste Paar im TV..

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 30.03.2003, 23:32:


do you think she knows how many girls were dying to switch places with here?
and why did she stand there like a log??

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von truly am 31.03.2003, 00:07:


Hi Adi,

maybe she stood there like a log, because our Daniel is simply not her personal favourite. It could be that she came to the show to see Alex. Another reason might be that she felt a little bit shy at this moment being on stage in front of the audience.

Well, we don't know. However, she could have smiled a little.



"Menschen treten in unser Leben und begleiten uns eine Weile,
manche bleiben f?r immer, denn sie hinterlassen ihre Spuren in unseren Herzen."

Geschrieben von thereisonlyonebibi am 31.03.2003, 00:11:


ha,ha actually I think it was a great choice.
Look at it from this point of view: He already got great fans, devoted fans...so why not confuse a girl who might have been there because of Alex LOL
She may one of the person's who are saying, they don't like Daniel bla,bla,bla but you know what I bet she will buy his single anyway. It was her moment, so she kinda has too. Who wouldn't? LOL

So, I'm guessing very clever move!


"Didja ever look at a dollar bill man? There's some spooky shit goin' on there. And it's green too!."


Geschrieben von *Julie* am 31.03.2003, 12:04:


I want 2 be that girl 2...


* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel *
* Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * ----------------->

Geschrieben von Das Metall am 31.03.2003, 12:10:


RTL sucks, the whole Show sucks now!!!

Now after the competition Alex and Daniel are only singing Playback... ...whats up with that? Now they recorded Cds...Now they dont need to sing live anymore?

Whats up with the tour? I could bet they sing playback tere too...That would be the worst thing...



Geschrieben von Mary am 31.03.2003, 16:30:


I don't like Playback, too.. And I don't think that Daniel doesn't want to think live.. He is more a singer for playback, I think! But did he really sing playback all the time? At You drive me crazy he sang a little bit live, too.. But especially at Alexander I find it sad, that he sangs playback.. He is the superstar! And he don't make a great show like Dani, so that you can say, his singing is so important
The girl not even really laughed!


Das sch?nste Paar im TV..

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 31.03.2003, 16:48:


well, playback is not bad when you don't know it's playback (ahm alex) but when they snag live at the mottoshows, and had mistakes, it was more impressive then singing it all right with playback!

well, got to go

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

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