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Geschrieben von DanielSollsSchaffen am 09.07.2003, 01:02:

The English Daniel Talk

Hello, especially for all our guests who don't know any German - here it is, a thread in English!

This is the place to talk about Daniel and to receive the latest news (concerning Daniel) translated into English

Of course, all users are welcome to post here - but please postings in English only!

Have fun

Gruss, Gruss, Gruss von DanielSollsSchaffen
"Folge deinem Herzen solange du lebst." (Ptahhotep)


Geschrieben von LoveForDANIEL am 09.07.2003, 10:04:


Jewel, one of our users, has designed a great web page conveying all important information about Daniel in ENGLISH!

This is the link:

http://www.daniel-mania.net.ms/ = main page



picts, picts, picts and more...

Wer seine Mitte nicht verliert, ist un?berwindlich. Laotse

"Ich m?chte meine eigene Pers?nlichkeit entwickeln, nicht etwas nachmachen." Daniel

Geschrieben von Jessi-Kate am 09.07.2003, 11:00:


This is such a great idea. Thank you sooooooo much


Ganz viele liebe Gr??e an mein Energieb?rchen ,Xtina, Cherie, *aileea und Maja *Hab euch l?p* Daniel, du bist in meinem Herz

Geschrieben von *Julie* am 09.07.2003, 12:47:


How cool!!!!


* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel *
* Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * ----------------->

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 09.07.2003, 12:50:


this is sooo great!
I'm speachless (and that is rare!)
I'm extrimly happy! and I do hope that this thread will be filled with lots of English messages about our lovely DANIEL!

I found another Faniel in Israel..
she is a mom, and her daoughter told me she is a Faniel.. they are flying to Germany this thursday (tomorrow) and she is planning to buy a lot of Dani's products... including the disc...

and last thing-
Happy birthday to Shona!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von gabi. am 09.07.2003, 16:25:


i am glad to find such a nice thread, because i like to speak english the whole time. english is my favourite language.
i hope that i can find many faniels who want to talk in english with me.

"...also ich sag jetzt mal, das androgyne ist f?r viele frauen reizvoll..."

Geschrieben von MagicCookie am 09.07.2003, 17:13:


what a wonderful idea !!!

sorry for my bad english, but i like trying to talk in english as well....

adi i am so glad, that you can get DANIs products soon and will be able to listen to positive energies, that's such a great album.....

btw your pic is very nice



We are the faniels, our friend. And we'll keep on fighting till the end. We are the faniels we are the faniels, no time for losers, cause you are the champion... of our hearts

Geschrieben von Jessi-Kate am 09.07.2003, 17:37:


Original von adi_is_17
this is sooo great!
I'm speachless (and that is rare!)
I'm extrimly happy! and I do hope that this thread will be filled with lots of English messages about our lovely DANIEL!

I found another Faniel in Israel..
she is a mom, and her daoughter told me she is a Faniel.. they are flying to Germany this thursday (tomorrow) and she is planning to buy a lot of Dani's products... including the disc...

and last thing-
Happy birthday to Shona!

Hey Adi!!!
It?s so wonderful to have a place where we can talk to ya
Yep, I totally forgot about shona?s birthday.
So happy happy Birthday Shona!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey, that?s a forum for her as well, ain?t it?


Ganz viele liebe Gr??e an mein Energieb?rchen ,Xtina, Cherie, *aileea und Maja *Hab euch l?p* Daniel, du bist in meinem Herz

Geschrieben von San am 09.07.2003, 18:09:


Happy Birthday, Shona!

'Everytime I hear you, I smile'

(Shona on Daniel's performance of 'Everytime' in the motto show)

Geschrieben von Shorty am 09.07.2003, 19:58:



Thanks to DSS for making up this thread so quickly after my question!!!

Oh hi to everybody!
Happy birthday to Shona!

I'm so excited, hehe!
Gotta go and tell my friend Emily immediately to come here!

*runs away*


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von Jewel am 09.07.2003, 21:43:


Original von LoveForDANIEL
Jewel, one of our users, has designed a great web page conveying all important information about Daniel in ENGLISH!

This is the link:


Thanks LFD!

The link that you posted is a link to the live section of my website...

to everybody else here:
If you want to visit my webpage from the main page here's the official link for it (the address is also easier to remember) :


I hope this thread will be full of foreign fans very sooooon!
Hey everybody outside of Germany!!!!
If you have any questions about Daniel, just ask them!! We German fans would be very happy to answer them!!!! Fans have to stick together and I bet that you don't get good and detailed infos about Dani abroad, right?!

~~ Be what you want, but always be you! ~~

My own Dani-homepage in English: www.daniel-mania.net.ms

Geschrieben von Grim@ce. am 10.07.2003, 11:37:


Hello, I'm a newbie
i just listened some of his songs, and i like his voice!
Thx Jewel to recommend me to join this board

Geschrieben von kodak am 10.07.2003, 11:44:


HI Grim@ce!
Welcome here!
You are from HongKong?


klix hier
und hier
Mein Ohrwurm heute:
Nick Carter - Who needs the world?

Geschrieben von LoveForDANIEL am 10.07.2003, 11:45:


Hi, Grim@ce - welcome here!

There is something about Daniel's voice and especially the way he interprets his songs... so passionately and wholeheartedly... that we all are very fond of.

Tonight the first of Daniel' summer concerts will be taking place in Ingolstadt. Some of us "faniels" will be at the show and hopefully report good news for us later. We'll translate parts of the infos into English and place them here.

Bye! LfD

Wer seine Mitte nicht verliert, ist un?berwindlich. Laotse

"Ich m?chte meine eigene Pers?nlichkeit entwickeln, nicht etwas nachmachen." Daniel

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 10.07.2003, 12:21:


Hello Grim@ce!

I'm Adi and I 'm from Israel!
which is why I don't know German!
this is very god that there is an English thread, for people like us that doesn't know German.. (do you know German?)
well, welcome aboared!
here you can find some of the most nicest people in the world plus they... WE are all FANIELS!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 10.07.2003, 12:29:

  gleich am punkt12

in less then 20 minutes there will be a report about Daniel and Gracia's vacation!!!
don't miss...
right after the quiz...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von emijah am 10.07.2003, 12:31:

hey everyone!

im Emily and im from england!

i'm friends with Gerda (is she known as Shorty on here?) and she asked for this thread for me, and everyone else who speaks english, so


she has sent me daniels cd's and i really like his music! he is very very talented!

well, i hope to get to know all of you!



Geschrieben von amely am 10.07.2003, 12:37:


Oh hi welcome Emily,

my English ist not rearlly good.

It's nice to see you here.


Ein Mensch, den viele hassen, der mu? was sein. Goethe

Geschrieben von Shorty am 10.07.2003, 12:39:


Hi Grim@ce,

hi Emily *tight huggles for you darling *

I hope you'll enjoy it here as much as I do and I'm sure you'll really get addicted

Aaah, I can't see the report because I'm at work *sniffles*


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 10.07.2003, 12:41:


ok, I"ll start-
I"m Adi!
I'll be 18 in less then 2 weeks (yyyyeeeaa!)
ammmmm... I'm from Israel, and I'm one of the only Faniels here.. (in Israel..)

I missed it!!!
I thought the artical about daniel and gracia will be later but it was and all I saw was the end!!!!

well, better luck in punkt6 (they said that in the evening he will maybe tell some info about his love )-
my mom translated 4 me...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von emijah am 10.07.2003, 12:45:


hey gerda! i'm sure i'll lobe it here!

and hey amely!

oh, and im 15!

as i can only read this thread, you guys have to tell me on here when something important is happening... ok?


Geschrieben von Sonja am 10.07.2003, 12:50:


hi everybody and cordially welcome to the forum!

it's so beautiful that you are here. i'm so glad that there are daniel fans all over the world!!!

"Ihr habt mir die Kraft gegeben das zu sein was ich bin." (Daniel ?ber seine Fans)

Danke lieber Daniel! Werde den 29.08.2003 niemals vergessen!!!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 10.07.2003, 12:51:


don't worry, it is the only thread for me also... well, this and another one-
~English thread~ in small talk-
here it is info about daniel and thereit is just... small talk!

oh, and if you wanna play in the game forum they will start to play in English...
as I told- extremly nice people!!!!

I got 84 in my English finall exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Shorty am 10.07.2003, 12:53:


@Adi: I hope you have more luck at Punkt6
Hey cool that your Mom can translate german, so you're able to understand everything on the german TV.

@Em: we'll keep you informed


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von emijah am 10.07.2003, 12:54:


whats the link to the games thread? i cant read a thing!!!

well done... but you spelt worry wrong. ehehe.

dont worry.



Geschrieben von emijah am 10.07.2003, 12:56:


Original von Shorty
@Em: we'll keep you informed

yeay, thankies!

can someone find me a pic i can have for my avvy/siggy, as i dont know what it says when i try to put on there. some kind of "NO". ha.

thanks! :D


Geschrieben von *Julie* am 10.07.2003, 12:57:


Original von adi_is_17
don't worrie, it is the only thread for me also... well, this and another one-
~English thread~ in small talk-
here it is info about daniel and thereit is just... small talk!

oh, and if you wanna play in the game forum they will start to play in English...
as I told- extremly nice people!!!!

I got 84 in my English finall exam!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*scream* U have ur exam!!!! Congratz!!

Yeah, you all can come in2 the GaMeRoOm, thatz funny, and when u tell us u are not german, we do our best 2 play in English =) like with adi... thatz nice


* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel *
* Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * ----------------->

Geschrieben von *Julie* am 10.07.2003, 13:00:


Original von emijah
whats the link to the games thread? i cant read a thing!!!

well done... but you spelt worry wrong. ehehe.

dont worry.


The GAMES are under SMALL TALK....


* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel *
* Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * ----------------->

Geschrieben von emijah am 10.07.2003, 13:01:


Original von *Julie*
Original von emijah
whats the link to the games thread? i cant read a thing!!!

well done... but you spelt worry wrong. ehehe.

dont worry.


The GAMES are under SMALL TALK....

ok, thanks!!

i dont know what any of them are though..

weeeell, i'll just stay here.

*sits down*


Geschrieben von *Julie* am 10.07.2003, 13:04:


There are some games written also in english... check it out if u like...

for example here --------------------> http://www.danielsuperstar.de/forum/thre...575c3dd38466e7a


* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel *
* Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * ----------------->

Geschrieben von LoveForDANIEL am 10.07.2003, 13:47:


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Wer seine Mitte nicht verliert, ist un?berwindlich. Laotse

"Ich m?chte meine eigene Pers?nlichkeit entwickeln, nicht etwas nachmachen." Daniel

Geschrieben von Jessi-Kate am 10.07.2003, 14:22:


Hey Emily!!!

Welcome to the forum


Ganz viele liebe Gr??e an mein Energieb?rchen ,Xtina, Cherie, *aileea und Maja *Hab euch l?p* Daniel, du bist in meinem Herz

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 10.07.2003, 14:25:


hello everyone!
well, I wrote this beautiful long message, but then my dad came and used the computer and it was gone.....
I'll start to rewrite it so-

I write very fast so I often don't pay much attention to my spelling... sometimes I may write- right instead of write... but I know what either mean...
anyway, if you want to correct me, don't pay much attention to my spelling if you know what it means... my grammer is much worse... *gg*

the Games forum is under "other...." subject.. and as I said before and Julie said also- they will transfer the game into ENglish if one of us (non-German-speakers) will want to enter the game...

In a while your German will be better... I didn't know a single word in German when I first started to write in the forum, in time you will learn the words...
(god knows how I passed the register process...)
and besides, some words are like English like-
respekt, alkohol and so on.. only they use a k instead of a c...

well, have fun girls...


Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von emijah am 10.07.2003, 15:16:


Original von Jessi-Kate
Hey Emily!!!

Welcome to the forum




Geschrieben von Jessi-Kate am 10.07.2003, 18:20:


Original von emijah
Original von Jessi-Kate
Hey Emily!!!

Welcome to the forum



you?re welcome sweetie


Ganz viele liebe Gr??e an mein Energieb?rchen ,Xtina, Cherie, *aileea und Maja *Hab euch l?p* Daniel, du bist in meinem Herz

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 10.07.2003, 21:08:


yea me again...

well, just wanted to notify that I'm here... now, to Daniel stuff-

did anyone see punkt12/6 today?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 10.07.2003, 23:18:


Hi adi,

yes, I'm sure, most people here watch RTL Punkt 6, 9, 12 every day - if possible. Thank god, I'v got a tape recorder.

The first thing, when I come back from work, is: switch it on and see wheather there was anything on TV.

But in the meantime Daniel is back from Fuerte and he is in Ingolstadt tonight - the first concert of his tour!!!!!

Good luck to Daniel!


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von Grim@ce. am 11.07.2003, 15:38:


Hi kodak, adi, lfd, shorty and everyone - nice to meet you!

Yes,I'm from Hong Kong...I've learned German before, but i almost forgot every German word I've learned!

Actually, i wanna know what does Daniel attracts you? his voice? his smile? or anything else?

For me, I like his voice and i downloaded his live clips,his smile makes everyone feels warm!

Geschrieben von Jewel am 11.07.2003, 16:07:


Original von Grim@ce.
Actually, i wanna know what does Daniel attracts you? his voice? his smile? or anything else?

Hi Grim@ce!! My little Chinese sis!!
So wonderful to see you here! ^_^

Well, it's all my "fault" that you got to know Daniel and that you came here... hahaha
But I hope you'll have a great time here!!

To everybody else:
I'll travel to Hong Kong in about 3 weeks and will bring Daniel's new CD "Positive Energie" with me...
A little gift for Grim@ce.

May Dani-baby conquer Hong Kong!!!! hahahaha!
Perhaps you can find other people in HK too who like his style.

Now to your question... We both talked about it already but I'll repeat myself in this thread.
I love Daniel's voice (the first thing that I fell in love with), I love his smile, I love his way to talk (he has his own "K?blb?ck-German", hahahaha), I love his way to move... I simply love this guy! He's such a talent, a crazy nut but also can be so serious and simply adorable...
I love the whole package and not only one single thing about him.

~~ Be what you want, but always be you! ~~

My own Dani-homepage in English: www.daniel-mania.net.ms

Geschrieben von Energieb am 11.07.2003, 16:10:


I like his voice, his smile, his eyes, his hair ..... and of course himself!

Do you know some German or only English?
Can you tell me what "Hello" in hebrew means?
And "How are you?"

Yeah, I`m not here for the next 8 days. I drive to my grandma.

Bye see you soon!

DICKE FETTE GR??E AN: SunnyBunny ,jasha ,daniel_drives_me_crazy , Jessi-Kate und nat?rlich Moeller-Kristin,Sunshine-Tanja ,heartbeat87
Klick hier!!!

Geschrieben von *Karin* am 11.07.2003, 19:21:


Hello to everybody!

I'm so happy to see other foreigners (I come from Luxembourg) visiting this forum, too!
That's the proof that Daniel is a WORLWIDE STAR !

Big Kisses and POUUSITIVE ENERGIES!!!!!!

Wenn dich die Menschen ?rgern, so ?rgere dich nicht! Sei die liebe Sonne, lach allen ins Gesicht!


Geschrieben von Jessi-Kate am 11.07.2003, 19:21:


Original von Energieb?r
I like his voice, his smile, his eyes, his hair ..... and of course himself!

Do you know some German or only English?
Can you tell me what "Hello" in hebrew means?
And "How are you?"

Yeah, I`m not here for the next 8 days. I drive to my grandma.

Bye see you soon!

Hey Energieb?r!!!!!!!
You?re seeing your grandma? That?s fine!!
Have fun and come back soon, okie?


Ganz viele liebe Gr??e an mein Energieb?rchen ,Xtina, Cherie, *aileea und Maja *Hab euch l?p* Daniel, du bist in meinem Herz

Geschrieben von emijah am 11.07.2003, 19:30:


hey again, everyone!!!

how are you all?

i feel ill. meeeeeep.

weeeeeell, yeah!!!

thnaks again for making this thread!!!!!


Geschrieben von Jessi-Kate am 11.07.2003, 19:35:


Original von emijah
hey again, everyone!!!

how are you all?

i feel ill. meeeeeep.

weeeeeell, yeah!!!

thnaks again for making this thread!!!!!

I?m fine, thanx Why are you feeling ill????
Think of Daniel and you?ll feel so much better


Ganz viele liebe Gr??e an mein Energieb?rchen ,Xtina, Cherie, *aileea und Maja *Hab euch l?p* Daniel, du bist in meinem Herz

Geschrieben von emijah am 11.07.2003, 19:43:


Original von Jessi-Kate
Original von emijah
hey again, everyone!!!

how are you all?

i feel ill. meeeeeep.

weeeeeell, yeah!!!

thnaks again for making this thread!!!!!

I?m fine, thanx Why are you feeling ill????
Think of Daniel and you?ll feel so much better

oh, i feel sick in general. and i have the WORST stomach ache EVER. :( yesterday i had the day off school, but i didnt want to miss another day. well i did, but i forced myself not to stay in bed!!!


Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 11.07.2003, 19:53:


well, I have a lot s to answer so-

what I meant was, if someone saw punkt12 yesterday - the article about daniel's and gracia's vacation...
I hope you didn't miss it....

it is very good that you learnt German, I'm trying to but I'm not very good... I'm having hard times with all the little differences...
anyway- when I started to see Daniel it was the snd mottoshow (did you see the DSDS show?) anyway, I was very charmed with his voice, stage performence, self-confidence, his rudness, (I hope I wrote it ok..) and ofcours like everyone else-
his lovely, heart warmr, heartbreaker smile!

@dear EB!
well, when you'll read the message you would probably be back from your grandmother! hope you had fun!
about your question- no, I can only speak English though I'm trying (vry vry vry hard) to learn German.
Hello it's => Shalom. or Hi.
how are you is+> Ma Shlomcha (for malr) or
Ma Shlomech (for female)
but the younger usually use- MA Ha'mazav? or Ma kore?(-which its correct translation will be- what is happening)

@Karin- welcome!
(I never saw you here, r u new?) well, it is very nice to see other foreign here, wow, you are from Luxemburg! it is even smaller then Israel! what is the population?
btw- I love your name! when I was a little girl I wanted it to be my name. (I hate mine, too common)

what's up?
well, as I told you there is another english forum, for "small talk" which is in the "small talk" forum here is a link-
but you better jump to the latest messages.

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von MizzAj am 12.07.2003, 00:15:


wow - first of all *hello* to all the newbies!
didnt know that there are so many english speakin faniels on here!! welcome to the board!

you're from hong kong?! thats awesome. how did u get to know bout daniel?!

what bout the others?
you're from england... so most prob shorty infected u with the k?blb?ck virus or did he himself as he was in london??!! *rofl* =P


*oooh, mein goottt!! diese arme wiese!*
~its funny how life can take new meanin - u came & changed what i believed in~

Geschrieben von emijah am 12.07.2003, 08:37:


Original von MizzAj

you're from england... so most prob shorty infected u with the k?blb?ck virus or did he himself as he was in london??!! *rofl* =P

im afraid it was shorty!!!



Geschrieben von hubbabubba am 12.07.2003, 11:40:


hello to all english speaking "faniels" - it's great to have you here!

I've found a nice Daniel Fanpage with compete automatic translation into english:

Heute schon gek?blb?ckt?!

dedicated to daniel K.

danke f?r Kassel!

Geschrieben von Flodda am 12.07.2003, 17:46:


Oh, I saw this Thread so late........

?hm, but I can'nt really good English.
School isn't helpful to learn it.... I think so.
I hope you do know a little what I want to say?!


I'm Flodda.... my real name is Alena, but all people call me Lex!!! And I'm 14 years old.

(My Grammar is to bad)


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 12.07.2003, 22:28:


Hello Lex!

don't worrie, I can understand you!
it is weird that you don't learn English at school..
ut don't worrie! if you talk and write t enough times, you will learn it!

thank you for welcome us so nice!

* *!

(from Israel!)

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Shorty am 13.07.2003, 14:30:


Hi guys, yesterday I was at the Seearena in P?rtschach/Carinthia/Austria at the ?Starnacht am W?rthersee? (it?s a big annual austrian star-event) where Dani had a gig ... it was suuuupie and I wanna share it with you all !!!

OK, here?s the translation of my ?report? that I postet in the german thread:

I arrived at 2pm with my hubby in P?rtschach and waitet there in the restaurant Joseph&George near the Werzer Seearena for K?ferl and Daniel4eva. Meantime my hubby drove home (later he extra wanted to drive there again for picking me up), because he didn?t want to watch it ? unfortunatley he?s no Faniel

K?ferl and Daniel4eva arrived at ca. 4.30pm and after welcoming ? btw they are very very nice girls ? they wanted to wrap up their pressie for Daniel, which they wanted to handle to him later personally. Well, after doing that we went to the Seearena (stage near the ?W?rther-lake?- [hehe that looks really funny]). We made a went-around to explore a loophole where we could slip in to see Daniel. But no chance. Security and closed ways everywhere. Then we went back to the backstage-entry and waited ... and waited ... and waited. The security was pumped up by K?ferl and Daniel4eva (I was too cowardly), if Daniel already arrived, if in case of need it would be allowed to enter after beginning of the show and when Daniel would arrive. Then ? after waiting endlessly - the redemptive answer: Mr. K?blb?ck will be driven to the stage at 8.15pm. Exultation, collywobbles, jelly legs.

We curiously waited for the cars that arrive. In the first ?only? Al Bano Carrisi. Who the f**k is interested in Al Bano . Behind it another car. K?ferl said ?that?s him? before we can see who's getting out. And he really is it!!! I can?t describe how it felt. Surreal in some way, as K?ferl and Daniel4eva went to him, gave him the pressie and asked if they may take a pic with him. He said yes. And I had to take the piccie. OMG, I hope I didn?t shake the 2 pics. My hands shook sooo much. He stood only 1 meter away from me. Somehow I didn?t have the time for looking him up. I was so concentrated in taking the pics and to pray that I wouldn?t trash them. The only thing that I noticed was, that he wore the same shirt as at the VIVA-Bams-24h-activity-report or the Championsday-gig. The one with that indian print. And he had his hair tied up. So sweet. After taking the pics I wanted to beg him for an autograph and a pic too, but he went away and I wasn?t able to get near

OK, then we rushed to our seats, because we didn?t know in which order the gigs would be. He was the fifth, after Nick P., Al Bano Carrisi, Nicole and Bj?rn Casapietra. Great exultation! There were lots of impatient Faniels, though we didn?t see very much outside. He wore red pants and a white sleeveless shirt with a print in the front. He looked so sweet. His performance was perfect. At first heartbeat, then YDMC. On the tribune, where I sat, everbody stood up and we all clapped like crazy. Then he went off. Uproarious applause, calls for encore everywhere ... and then ... he came AGAIN. He sang HEARTBREAKER!!! AAAAHHH *drools* *dies*
K?ferl and Daniel4eva, who left the tribune and slipped in the first row in front of the stage, were veeeeery close to him. I can tell ya ? btw it was the 1. time I saw him live ? he is stunning!!!

He was very pleased of the great applause and he said "Austria rocks!" hehehe

After his performance we quickly ran out to the backstage-VIP-entry again to be there when he comes out. But he didn?t come. We only saw him very short at 12am as he had to go to the stage for a ?closing-pic?. Then they said he already left and at 0.45am they closed the backstage-VIP-entry. After the security at last vanished, we slipped in and went to the 1. room of the VIP-area. But we didn?t see him. And then I had to go, because my hubby already called me the 2nd time on my handy and was very pissed because it lasted so long and he was sick and tired of waiting. I took a pic of K?ferl and Daniel4eva and after the leave-taking I left.

K?ferl told today that they tried to get into the VIP-tent but the security didn?t allow. But she doesn?t think that Daniel still was there.

All things considered it was a VERY VERY GREAT day ! I already didn?t really realise what happened yesterday and I?m still in Dani-delirium. He was only 1m away from me, WAAAAHHHHHH

And K?ferl is really overwhelmed. Because I needed such a long time to take the pics (silly silly shaking hands ) she and Daniel4eva were able to hold him in their arms for at least half a minute. Didn?t I do a good job, mwahahaha. I?m really proud of me to do that for them. You should have seen their faces after that. They were both like ... WAAAHHHHHH-freakout

K?ferl said it was her ultimate ?I saw him ? I touched him ? I fainted?-experience. Same for me though I wasn?t able to touch him. But it was a very deep experience to see him so close. And he's so sweet and has such an asthenic physique (some kind of frail) and ...... I?m at loss for words.

But I know for sure that the shirt that I wore yesterday will be my "he-only-stood-1m-away-from-me"-memorial-shirt and it will get a special place in my wardrobe


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von Shorty am 13.07.2003, 14:43:


Here are my piccies that I take yesterday. They are crap and in face of the digicam very shaked. And sowehow this rack with the lights and sounds always constricted my view. What a bummer!

here he scaled down the stage to run into the audience


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von Flodda am 13.07.2003, 17:55:


Oh, hi adi....
I hope, I learn to write in (on?) English.
For a letter, which I must write on shool, I became a very bad mark.
Today I was swimming with some of my friends. It was very funny, but the water was to cold. *brrrr* We were'nt there longer as one hour.

Bye, Lex


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 13.07.2003, 18:34:


well,you can't learn Englsh in a day.. it is much harder than that... but don't worrie, time will do its work!!

I'm sooo Green right now!!! (jelousy) I sooo wish I was there!!!
you r soo lucky, it's sounds like you had a great day (well, who wouldn't?!?!) and u met with other this-Forum-Faniels!
I feel like crying! , I'll never see you all, or Daniel live, EVER! I wish ticket to Germany wouldn't be soo expensiv!
I'm picturing myself standing out near one of the gards, doing a little flirting, telling him I'm from Israel and I came all the way just to see Mr.Kueblboeck! (I don't have the dots)I would ofcours speak English... then he'll let me in (because I was sooo nice *gg*) and there he will be- Daniel exactly changng his shhirt, (he was wearing the chineas and now he is switching for the orange one that he wllways wear from the heartbeat clip) I'll say I'm sorry, he will say he doesn't know English, I'll say I don't know German. and exactly then a translater will pass, and we will talk, he will invite me to a 1st row sit and after the show we will go together to bar... he wil give me a kiss (on the chick!) say how nice it was, and invite me again....then I will probably wake up...
how did he sing?
I heard him live sometimes (RTL) and well... sometimes he sings good without playback and some tomes he doesn't.....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Shorty am 13.07.2003, 18:42:


Hi Adi! I'm sorry that you're not able to meet him.

Btw your "dream" sounds cool

He sang ... wonderfully
Especially Heartbreaker. I loved his voice ... very sexy *harrrrrrr*


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von Flodda am 13.07.2003, 21:42:


@ adi: Who is it on the picture in your avatar???


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 13.07.2003, 21:52:


it is ME!
don't I look "Israeli" enough?!

I know- it is sad.. but who knows, maybe one day....
btw- it is not my dream, it is just a heart wish.. my dream is much more complicated then that.....
how old r u? I mean, you have a husband... any kids too?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Flodda am 13.07.2003, 21:58:


@adi: No, I think it was a woman from TV!!! You are very sweet.


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 13.07.2003, 22:06:


thank you

who did you think I am? (people all the time tell me I look like someone...)

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Shorty am 13.07.2003, 22:12:


yeah, who knows ... I never imagined to see him that close and it really happened, you know what I mean?
You have to think positive

I'm nearly 32 ... no kids (unfortunately )


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von Flodda am 13.07.2003, 22:16:


Hmm, I don't know!


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von San am 13.07.2003, 22:42:



thanks for sharing your experience, guess it's a very special moment for non German-speaking faniels! Cool pics too!


you're far too young to say 'never'. Once you've got money you'll be free to travel, even to Germany. Your dream made me smile cause I thought how will they talk, he's got a poor command of English (2 sentences) & your German is like a baby that as yet to grow ;-)
Remember Dani' words at the Echo Awards: 'I thought dreams would be dreams but now I've seen they can come true.' And if you wish in your heart of hearts to see him one day you will. Can't promise you'll get your hands on him but I'm sure you can attend a concert!

Geschrieben von Apple am 14.07.2003, 22:52:


Hello World

This Thread is cool. Here a little Picture of Daniel for everyone in the universe...


Daniel h?ren und der Tag ist gerettet --> Hier gehts lang..

Geschrieben von Apple am 14.07.2003, 23:51:


one more...


Daniel h?ren und der Tag ist gerettet --> Hier gehts lang..

Geschrieben von Shorty am 15.07.2003, 06:44:

  more piccies

here's the link to the pics of his gig in P?rtschach


enjoy it, they're great!!!


Danke Daniel, dass du mich in deinem Paradies auf Wolke 7 schweben l?sst!!!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 15.07.2003, 14:50:


thank you guys!
those are great pics!
and the pics from the link are FANTASTIC!

I had another weird Daniel dream..
again, nothig sexualy!

I came to his show and asked him to talk to me since I came all the way from Israel..
and he did!
and we talked (in English) and apperantly he knew some words in Hebrew (super-weird!), and we switched numbers.. he gave me his handy nomber, (something that begins with 066-) and then my stupid dog woke me up....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 15.07.2003, 20:11:


*gg* Adi

Nothing sexual? Psycho-analysts would prove you there IS. Remember the Heartbeat clip in which Dani signs the contract '666' (sign of evil) Your dog just woke you up when it got most interesting. Your dog was probably jealous


the Austrians seem to have a special / sophisticated way of taking stunning pics

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 16.07.2003, 14:29:


I swear there was nothing sexually.. except when we.... KIDING!!!!! nothing sexualy!
but the nomber thing was kindda crippy... maybe it is his nomber...
do you have handy nombers that starts with 066??
about my dog-
he wasn't jelous, he just saw an open door and took the advatage... and because my room is one big mass, he walked on all the papers and it made a lot of nois!

my German lessons are going ok...
I learned that if you have an "ein" or "eine" you add a- "er" "e" or "es" to the adjective or pronoun or whatever...
I was never good at this...
oh and I learnt the-
Ich, du, er, sie, sie and I forgot some...
and the belonging words-
mein/e dein/e sein/e euro and I forgot the rest..
I should go and practice!

oh and last thing I learnd is the polite attend to strangers, "Sie" and not "du"....

that's it-
please correct my wrong spelling!

Vielen grusse und kussen!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 16.07.2003, 15:21:


Cool German, Adi!

Yes, our nouns have gender (random, you have to learn it, thus it's a bit hard)

mobile phone is 'handy' in German, not in English ;-)

Fantastic is 'fantastisch' in German ;-)

Mobile phone numbers start with '0'. the '66' could be a hint at '666'. Most dreams have a hidden meaning, often sexual, nothing to worry about. Dreams are the playground of the mind.

Viele Gr??e und K?sse

(and if you don't have umlauts & ?):

Viele Gruesse und Kuesse

(German saying: 'Doppelt h?lt besser' >'better safe than sorry' > meaning: doing things twice gives you the guarantee of success, the German proverb is derived from tailors' language 'to sew the seam twice'

Have fun practising (I've seen your progress)

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 16.07.2003, 15:34:


well, san..
I am only at lesson 3 out of 30...
so I have much more to learn...

my biggest problem is that I can't remember which word as DER which is DIE and which is DAS... this make me doing mistakes all the time..
but you know- practice make perfection!

I'm bored!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 16.07.2003, 19:47:


Hi Adi,

(this is actually for the small talk thread)

well... if you're bored go brush up your German

yes, gender is arbitrary, there's no systematic in it... best way is to learn the noun in combination with its article. You can worry about the cases later Nevermind, if you leave articles out people will still understand you!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 17.07.2003, 14:52:


Hey san..
thank you for the encouragment! (not!)
you real didn't help me alot.... buhu
I think I'll just fight with German untill I'll bit it!

now for something that actually is about Daniel~! 'surprise!'
ok, I found out where I can get German magazines! (nearb actually...in the airport, 10 minutes away)
the problem is that I went there yesterday with my friend and I couldn't find anything about Daniel!!!
there are there-
Der Spiegel, Die Welt, some auto magazin and others that I can't remember their names....

anyway' to save me some trouble in the future.. (ok, next week..) can you please tell me on which magazines he appears and when?!!?
Please Please Please!!

and dear San.. one last thing-
why r we the only one that are writing here?!?!?!?!?!


Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 17.07.2003, 15:46:


Yes, Adi,

it's a shame.... but it's summer, people are outside & at the concerts too

I am a German teacher though but it's too complex (& boring for other users) to give lessons via internet

Best / fastest is to watch German tv & you'll enjoy it more than textbooks though you'll need them as well...

The papers & magazines you've mentioned are concerned with economics & politics

Go look for music mags like Bravo, Popcorn, Yam & the like (they often have Dani on the cover)

Good luck!

Geschrieben von Flodda am 17.07.2003, 16:41:


Thank you = Danke
Yes, No = Ja, Nein
Now = Jetzt
and = und
pics = Bilder

This at first


L?P EucH, MeInE M?llfAmIlY!

CoUNtDoWN tO - 19.NoVemBer OlDeNbuRG!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 18.07.2003, 12:15:


Original von San
Yes, Adi,

it's a shame.... but it's summer, people are outside & at the concerts too

I am a German teacher though but it's too complex (& boring for other users) to give lessons via internet

Best / fastest is to watch German tv & you'll enjoy it more than textbooks though you'll need them as well...

The papers & magazines you've mentioned are concerned with economics & politics

Go look for music mags like Bravo, Popcorn, Yam & the like (they often have Dani on the cover)

Good luck!

Dear San-
well, as much as your way to learn German sounds much more nice..
the problem is that I try to watch rtl, but I don't understand what they are saying, I still don't have the basic know of German to understand it.
In Israel, they add sub-titles to films and t-v shows, so you can both listen and understand the language (I, along with thousend other kids in Israel, learnd spanish threw the t-v, just watch the show and read the translation) But in Germany, they add dubbing, so I don't know what they are saying (I tried to watch Smallvil)
about the magazins, I know that few years ago there were Bravo and Popcorn, now, I just can't find it anywhere!
but I'm sure that if I'll try hard enough I'll find something....
my friend is flying next week so she promised to look for magazines in the duty-free (u know what I mean?)

thank you for the 'wortchaft' however those are 'simple' words that I already know...
try something harder!
like ammm...
how do you say-
excuse me?- something like intchuldingen sie.. (gosh how many spalling mistakes did I have?)
or how do you say... not good-bye but- see-you, like in-
c u at 20:00? (the time I know, I just learnt it..)
so... bye for now!
I'll be back later!

hope you all be here as well!!!

oh last thing!
I just found that alot of words that we use came from German!
Beton, Hashish, defect (how do u write it?) schluk (how do u write it?) and many many more!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von *aileea am 18.07.2003, 12:17:


Hi everybody!
I just discovered this thread... ( why didn?t I notice it earlier? ) It?s a great idea!
Welcome to all the Faniels of the other countries! (adi, emily,grim@ce)


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 18.07.2003, 12:23:


hello aileea!

thank you!
well, actually it is kindda new thread...

got to go!
daniel is going to be on punkt12....
he also was at punkt9:
he and the crazy woman who chose Daniel over her husband! Chantel something....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von *aileea am 18.07.2003, 12:26:


hello adi!

I missed punkt12 (or is it still running?)
Can you please tell me what was shown?


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von San am 18.07.2003, 14:56:


Hi Adi,

dubbing is rather common over here. It has its good sides too. When you watch the news you'll see the pics & hear the language that describes them. It's no substitute for textbook work but a good completion. A language takes years to learn, keep it in mind...

Maybe old music mags will do.... for learning German... someone might send you some if you can't get them at home... cheaper than duty-free!

'excuse me' > 'entschuldigen Sie'
'see you' > 'bis dann' (='till later')
'goodbye till next time' > 'auf Wiedersehen'

'Beton, Haschisch, Defekt, Schluck...

(English 'sh' is 'sch' in German')

The words you listed aren't necessarily German but we use them... many are derived from Latin & we do use words from your language too (though many people take them for German now)

Stay motivated!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 18.07.2003, 17:58:


never mind you missed it!
it is not too late to watch punkt6...
anyway- remember the crazy fan who left her husband because of Daniel???
well, she went to visit him... and they talked, and she brought him a little gift.. and I don't know what happend with her and her hubby next, however they did mentioned that he left home at the beginning..

in the Israeli news they also do a dubbing for a foreign langueges... but imported t-v shows has subtitles...
so it helps you to understand the language..
I don't say that I'll learn German Perfect.. it will take me a few years to know all the words that are in use... I don't even know all the words in Hebrew! only the one we use daily...

what words can you possibly borrow from Hebrew?
after allit is kindda "new" language.. the old Hebrew, or the biblical hebrew is nothing like today's Hebrew...
Hebrew as we know it today was invented by a guy named Eliezer-Ben-Yehuda, he didn't like the fact that everyone in Israel talked in Defernt languages so he invented words, and published them in a newspaper, every one who had an Idea for a word sent it too him.. this is why today's Hebrew is a mixture of few words from Arabic, Iidish (you know it?? the ploish people labguage..) and German....
so what words can you use from us?!?!?!?!?!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 18.07.2003, 22:24:


Hi Adi,

1000 postings! Congratulations!

You've got a good approach. Being perfect shouldn't be the first aim... my English isn't perfect either. When you start learning a foreign language over age 11 you probably won't become as perfect as a native speaker.

Subtitles have come into use only recently here...

Think we have adopted some Yiddish words... can't remember now... like 'meschugge', 'koscher', 'kirre', 'Kadi'... are they Yiddish at all? And a few more... that are already regarded as German by many people.

There are Arabic / Indian words in German too, like names for cultural things they have & we don't (e.g. sari / saree)

You could speak a little German with your mum, couldn't you?

Geschrieben von Energieb am 18.07.2003, 23:04:



today I?ve got my 1000, too.
I?m back.
I`m very tired so i go to bed now!

Good night to all!

DICKE FETTE GR??E AN: SunnyBunny ,jasha ,daniel_drives_me_crazy , Jessi-Kate und nat?rlich Moeller-Kristin,Sunshine-Tanja ,heartbeat87
Klick hier!!!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 19.07.2003, 04:23:


thank u San and EB!!!
well it is now- dreizehn nach fuenf (am!!!!) and I just got out of the shower.. I was in a disco with my friends we celabrated one of my friend's birthday... she was 18 on the 15th....
well, I don't know why but I'm not tired!!
I wish there were people here I could talk too! this is soo cool, the sky are getting brighter now... in less then an hour there will be full lightand I'll still be up...
anyway- San.. we also use the word "meschugge" only here it is said- "meshuga" and Koscher sounds- "kasher" anyway, what is kirre and kadi?!?!?
well, there isn't a language that i only its words... u know??
even that new language- "ladino" it has elements from all languages...

and EB-
you have passed your 1000 message really quick...*gg*I need to write more.. I think I'll play more in the games!
it is fun and I'll write more messages..
well, I start to write nonsense so I' guess I'll stop this message now..


Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Naturaldaniel am 19.07.2003, 15:15:


Have you heard some new information about he girlfriend of Daniel??????
I?m very happy that he is looking for her. If they came together, the new girlfriend will give much love to Daniel, that he will feel better than ever before..(I don?t know if the sentence was correct because I?m not so good in speaking English...)

Daniel, you make me feel...

Geschrieben von San am 19.07.2003, 17:12:


Hi Adi,

this forum has often 'helped' me see the morning light It's kind of a privilege to be up before most people & see the daylight but no people on the streets.

The spelling of foreign words varies with the languages... Word borrowing reaches back a long long time & occurs in many languages. No country is an island and even if it is, there are foreign influences.

Maybe 'kirre' ('crazy, impatient') and 'Kadi' (judge) aren't even Yiddish?

By the way, the number of postings doesn't say much. You can become a Superfan just through playing games

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 19.07.2003, 23:12:


does he already have a girlfriend?? I know he is inlove, but I didn't know about the girlfriend.. she is a lucky girl!!

actually, australia is an island...
and hawai, and porto rico.... butI got your point....
did you know that the name of the car-kia- is changed in Israel, and only here to- -kaia- because it sounds like the hebrew word to vomit.....
anyway, I'm getting a long with my Gemran lessons.. I now know hours, and "this" and- diese...
I have a question (in German!!!)
Warum eure sparsche so schwer?!?!?!?!?
not bad isn't it!!!
and last thing-
you r right! the nomber of postings doesn't metter, the metter is that I'm Daniel super-super-faniel delux plus in my heart! and that is what thay matters!!!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 19.07.2003, 23:38:


Great, Adi

We too try to avoid certain words (though I now can't remember which ones). Same in other languages. If your name is such a case you're really pissed off

Thank for the list of islands , as you know I didn't mean it geographically

As we say 'Deutsche Sprache - schwere Sprache'.

The syntax is strange indeed... But I had to learn Russian & Latin & I saw German isn't THAT complicated

Once you know numbers & hours & months & days of the week you can look back & say 'I've made a start & already know a number a words'

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 22.07.2003, 11:06:


Hello Sandra!

well, I'm about to finish lesson 5, which I learnt, the verb "Sein" Ich bin, du bist, er/es/sie ist wir sind ammmmmmmm can't remember the rest now... can you complete it please?
wow! you know russian? why?!?! I hate that language... 1/6 of the people who lives in Israel are russian... so I hear that language all the time!
though that in German it was the oposit, I hated the language, but as I heard it more and more, I started to like it, a-lot!!!
I think that it is harder to learn Hebrew then German, because you haveto say different, lates take the verb "have" you don't say it the same for female and male! and in plural it is also that you can't say for femals and males the same....
don't forget that the male and female in objects is also totaly different!!

Japan, Indonisia, uk, Kuba, New-Ziland and Cyprus are also Islands....
*gg* (I have a map in my room..)

well, I should go and fresh up a little!
after all!
it is my birthday!!!
finally I could drink alcohol.....legaly!
(it is legal in Israel in the age of 18) but don't worry, I hate alcohol, it has many calories+it isn't healthy+u can do nonsence that u weren't aware of/to!?!?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 22.07.2003, 19:03:


Happy 18th, Adi!

You've got a special birthday thread ;-)

I'm proud you're continuing with German.... 'wir sind, ihr seid, sie sind'

We had to learn Russian in socialist East Germany. Many hated it but I like languages. Don't think there are 'hateable languages', it's the associations you have...your perceptions, what you project from people onto language... Once I like the people I get interested in their language... Russian does have different conjugation of verbs according to gender. My garage neighbours are Russians. Whenever I need their help I have to struggle to find the words... shame on me, they're absolutely nice people, much more friendly than most Germans.

We're having over 35 degrees here for weeks... alcohol would knock us out.... well, you'll never be bored again, there are lots more islands to find ;-)

This thread seems to turn into small talk but I don't think it's bad. There aren't that many faniels in this thread & so this one has become the English meeting point...

Have a beautiful birthday, Adi!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 23.07.2003, 07:20:


Hello San..
this thread became kindda San-Adi thread don't you think??
we should get more people coming here!
where are the other 2 foreign Faniels?? I hadn't seen them for a while now...?!!!??!
about languages-
there are hateable languages, those are the languages that if you can't stand people talking them like-
Arabic (and it has nothing to do with the crisis!), dutch (is that the Holand's language?!? hope so!), Turkish, I don't know how hebrew sounds from the outside, so tell me... ammm I hate russian and non of my friends like German....
so c, there are hateable languages!
you are right! the russians are nice! as I told, they are 1/6 of he Israeli poeple, so I get to see them every day... and some of my friends are russians, they are realy smart, and ammm I don't know the word I'm looking for... hard workers?!?! (like the people of Taiwan and Hong-Kong)
here is about 30 degrees all summer, so we don't get excited about it... (by the way, the summer here is longer..and we don't have rain during all summer time so it gets really hot ) we do get excited when we have long and cold winter! which happens once in 7 years! (this year was one..so I guess the nextreally cold winter will be when I'm your age!)

anyway, I had the worst sleep today!
I fell asleep at 2:30, and I woke about every 30 minutes! then in 5:15 I just woke up, and I didn't get any sleep since!!!
ask yourself why did she sleep that bad?!?!?
well, that is a good question Sandra! (the stupidness comes from a sleepless night), so, every time I closed my eyes I saw Daniel!
and I had this weird half dream half heartwish, that you send a letter from the forum to the rtl managment, saying that tehre is a super-Faniel in Israel, and they came with Daniel and made a story about me! (WEIRD!!) and then I dreamt I was back in Germany with Daniel, and I was singing duet with him!! (we sang heartbeat, in case you were wondering...), but it was such a weird dream!
so then I just woke up! and I couldn't get any sleep since.
I tried to make myself tired by watching t.v, making my room darker, playing snake in my cellphone (would u mind if I use the word handy instead next time!?!?!?!?!) and trying to put up a letter to th RTL managment!
which all came out a complete chaos! the letter was never written, it is stil stuck in my head, the t.v just made me more awake, and I finished the battery in my handy.....

well, I think it is coming...
I'm tired!
guess coming to the frum was a good idea!
I'm going to sleep!!! yyyyyyeeeeaaa!!!
wish me luck..
if I'm not back in 30 minutes it's either I went downstairs to eat or that I finally fell asleep!!!


Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Dankesch?ntour-Girl am 23.07.2003, 14:14:


Original von adi_is_17
yea me again...

well, just wanted to notify that I'm here... now, to Daniel stuff-

did anyone see punkt12/6 today?

hello adi!
now you are 18,or?
do you know me? i'm ,,Positive Energie" from another daniel-forum!

Daniel bei der fahrstunde:,,so, dann mal das radio hier!"
fahrlehrer:,,nix, radio, du!"

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 23.07.2003, 15:01:


Hello P_E!
ofcours I remember you!
yes I am now 18.. as you know I had a birthday yesterday....

well, now you are like me.. writing in both forums!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 23.07.2003, 15:39:


Hi Adi,

one more faniel at least ;-) It's not our fault... before we had this thread people were moaning & now you & me are keeping it alive... well, it's summer....

Dutch is the funniest language to my ears ;-) Similar to German. If you like or don't like a language depends on how it sounds to your own 'language ears'. Haven't heard enough Arabic or Hebrew to tell if I like them... I admire those who speak it cause it sounds all the same to me...

Global warming has reached Middle Europe but we're not made for the heat you're used too... hard to find sleep these days..... I wouldn't rely on the 7-year cycle of winter. We had the millennium flood last year (river Elbe 10 metres deep) & this year it's as dry as it last was 30 years ago (river Elbe 1 metre deep).

Sending a letter to RTL... beware! It's a horror vision to turn up wih them. RTL broadcast the 8th Chantal report today (it could even be the 10th... I lost track...)

You can use 'handy' for 'mobile' in German. English people wouldn't know what you mean. You should rather 'educate' the Germans not to use 'handy' but it's too common to change... God knows how this word (which has a different meaning in English) came into German. 'Mobiltelefon' has probably too many syllables... Small world... Germans are addicted to Snake as well....

Hope you get some sleep.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 23.07.2003, 16:23:


Hello san...

long time has passed since we were both online at the same time!!

arabic and hebrew sounds the same to you?!?!?
not at all! well... maybe, it is possible, after all many words in hebrew are borrowed from arabic...
dutch has much more 'ch' sound then in German, many people are mistakes between them, so I try to explain that the are immitating dutch, not german!

I wouldn't call what you have summer... you still have rain so.. it is more tropical weather!
and don't think that you could ever get used to heat!!
I live here 18 years and I haven't got used to it!
all you can do is put on the air-conditioner (which you don't have *gg*- *sorry*) dress as less cloths as you can, drink a lot, go to the beach, and hope to the best...

this year, we were much too close to ammm.. having no water at all!!
you were forbiden to water your garden, to wash your carwith a hose, taking bath and besides, families who wasted to much water got a fine...
we had an island in the middle of our main water swors! (how do you write this word?!?!?)
anyway, we got out of danger, though after this hot summer I doubt it...

I can't sleep! this is hopless for me now.. I need to get to the scouts today.. we have a lot of work planning the summer camp! all I can do is go to bed earlier!!

and about rtl- Imagine a pic of me and daniel and the blond curley broadcaster is saying-
"Adi, die middle-east Daniel fan... gleich im punkt12...."
it would be cool don't you think??

and about that freak Chantel... I think it was the 3rd part... and it ended good, she and her husband got back together!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von Dankesch?ntour-Girl am 23.07.2003, 20:03:


Original von adi_is_17
Hello P_E!
ofcours I remember you!
yes I am now 18.. as you know I had a birthday yesterday....

well, now you are like me.. writing in both forums!!

Happy birthday again!

both forums are great!

and daniel ist the best!

i think its great that they are english-faniels!

Daniel bei der fahrstunde:,,so, dann mal das radio hier!"
fahrlehrer:,,nix, radio, du!"

Geschrieben von San am 23.07.2003, 21:35:


Hi Adi,

I was online when your PN came in. I'm still online but fell asleep!

Arabic and Hebrew don't sound the same. I meant languages that are not related to the ones I know. Arabic has 3 letters for a Latin letter depending on their position in a word. Chinese has 5 different intonations of the same sound. Almost impossible to distinguish for a European ear - thus we perceive it 'all the same'.
Swiss has even more funny 'ch' sounds! It's become a game to imitate it & we often laugh tears.

Our summers aren't hot as they used to be 15 years ago. They're sucking out the energy of you. I envy the Asian immigrants who don't have such troubles with it.
Italy has water restrictions too now.

we had an island in the middle of our main water swors! (how do you write this word?!?!?)

Oh, another island on your list! How do you write the word - I don't know. Can you paraphrase it - I don't know what it is ;-)

Have fun with the scouts!

and about rtl- Imagine a pic of me and daniel and the blond curley broadcaster is saying-
"Adi, die middle-east Daniel fan... gleich im punkt12...."
it would be cool don't you think??

Wow, your German is developing! Good start to learn whole sentences that they say every day. That woman (Katja)... I laugh a lot at her, she can't pronounce the 's' sound properly and she looks rather grim.

and about that freak Chantel... I think it was the 3rd part... and it ended good, she and her husband got back together!

Well, I counted the sum incl repeats in different RTL programmes.... up to now: 8 times. But it's not the end yet... is it?

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 24.07.2003, 18:47:


Our summers aren't hot as they used to be 15 years ago. They're sucking out the energy of you. I envy the Asian immigrants who don't have such troubles with it.
Italy has water restrictions too now.

we had an island in the middle of our main water swors! (how do you write this word?!?!?)

Oh, another island on your list! How do you write the word - I don't know. Can you paraphrase it - I don't know what it is ;-)

yesterday in the scouts we worked soo hard!
I was there between 18:00-00:30!!!! worked worked worked!! pilling, cutting, puting in the iron.. (I wish I knew all the right words *ggg*) I went home, took a long cold shower, and went to sleep!!!

quoting San-
"Wow, your German is developing! Good start to learn whole sentences that they say every day. That woman (Katja)... I laugh a lot at her, she can't pronounce the 's' sound properly and she looks rather grim. "
1) what is grim?!
2) her 's' is funny! lol
3) thank you about my German comment, I keep on working on it, however, it is very hard!

I hope it was the end about Chantel, sorry you had to see her all those times! *ggg*!

today I saw a lot of Daniel!!!
well, in repeats, I watched the 'emergency daniel tape' I have... it has many Dani-shows taped on it...
I saw-
DsdS- celebration live
DsdS- united live
TOTP- DsdS special...

and I want to see more Daniel!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 24.07.2003, 19:24:


See Adi,

you finally got some sleep ... just have to work hard enough *gg*

'Grim' describes her facial expression, her gaze & the lack of smiles...

Yes, German is a challenge... you won't get bored.

Guess Chantal has enough money now to go on 2nd honeymoon with her husband, once called Udo, then Tino

I never make it to watch the ever-growing Dani-collection. One day maybe whe he retires....

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 24.07.2003, 19:41:


oh ok... that is Grim...
she is kindds pretty but her face is squer...
I had long good sleep!!!
I slept untill 11:00!
ofcours I needed to wake up because someone has come to me to work on something... for the scouts...
can't believ that the scouts will be over for me after the 5-8....
why do you think she now has more money?!
I hardly believe she got money on her appearence on RTL...

"I never make it to watch the ever-growing Dani-collection. One day maybe whe he retires...."

this is hard to think that Dani will retire one day...
what about his army service?
I want to send him a letter, after he will be 'over' you know?!
when he will have time to read it....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 24.07.2003, 21:06:


Hi Adi,

yea, she's not ugly but beauty goes beyond appearance...

Is the scouts voluntary?

Chantal kinda works for RTL... she once appeared in a report on a diet...

Don't think Dani has to serve... he could look after old people or work in a hospital... (Dr Love) if he has to at all...

Why not send him a letter? With huge letters 'from Israel', that might help get through all the mail... maybe the police will open it for him (danger of a bomb?) You could even present your German to him!

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.07.2003, 18:55:


Hey Sandra!
gosh, it is like a deseret here, and we are theonly 2 survivors! *gg*
anyway to answer your questions-
yes, the scouts is voluntary... don't you have nothing like that in Germany?!?!?

I didn't know chantel is already a "celebrity".... well, hope it will now work between her and the hubby...

we also have this option in Israel,, if you don't want to serve the army (like pacifist people), or if you are religious (rel religious...) so you can do voluntary works, like you mentioned- hospitals, working with elderly people and so on... However, models and soccer players, pull some strings and don't do eithers....

"Why not send him a letter? With huge letters 'from Israel', that might help get through all the mail... maybe the police will open it for him (danger of a bomb?) You could even present your German to him!"

yea, I thought about it... maybe the police will think
I sent him antrax, *lolol*...now ceriously, I have been thinking for a long long time to send him a letter, I even have 2 drafts from previous letters... but now that his birthday is coming he will probably get tons of letters... what are the chances he will ever get to mine??
but I could start it with-
"Hallu Daniel! Ich bin Adi und Ich bin deine Israeli fan!, aber, kann Ich nicht deutch sprechen so das letter (will be in English...)"

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 25.07.2003, 20:22:


Hi Adi-survivor,

scouts = Pfadfinder in German, so we do have that as well.

Chantal is not a celebrity, beware, just a 'worker'

same with the army/service here.

Don't think there will be an appropriate time for sending a letter... well maybe in 30 years... Just do it. Use size & colour. It will stick out - and he seems to remember special letters, esp from that far away.

You German is quite good! BTW, we don't have capital letters in pronouns (except in formal addressing like 'Du', 'Sie')

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.07.2003, 20:56:


Hello San survivor...

I'm glad you also have scouts, this is a good thing!

I'm sorry about the Chantel mistake! it won't repeat itself!!

I think you are right about the letter!
it will be cool if he will know he has an Israeli fan.. who knows, maybe he will invite me over *gg* I wish!!
but how will he read it?!!? I think he will be too busy to hear someone trasnlating it... and who sais there will be someone to translate it to him?!?!

I'm still working on my German, though I'm still in lesson no5.... about 4 days...
it made me angry that I didn't know how to translate some sentences... so I quit.... but I will work on it again tomorrow!
nice to know about the capital letters.....so..... I just write ich??

how do I complete the sentence from the last message?

"Hallu Daniel! Ich bin Adi und Ich bin deine Israeli fan!, aber, kann Ich nicht deutch sprechen so das letter (will be in English ...)"

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 25.07.2003, 21:12:


Hi Adi,

nono... it's Chantal who makes the mistakes

Just write him in German. Little mistakes only show you're truly from abroad ;-)

ich is ich ;-)

'das letter' = 'der Brief' (male)

'the letter' has 6 letters: l-e-t-t-e-r. THESE letters are called Buchstabe (-n, plural)


'fan' is always male ('dein Fan')

You can take as long as you need... so don't worry.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.07.2003, 21:20:


have you completely lost it?!!?!

how am I suppose to write him a full letter if I can't even write a complete sentence without mistakes?!?!?!?

if/when I'll write him a letter it will be in English... unless it will in more then 2 month that I'll complete my kit and know German..
but I can't wait that long!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 25.07.2003, 23:21:


no, I've not.

You can have an English part & a German one & send more than one letter, which makes the likelihood he'll read it even bigger.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.07.2003, 16:10:


Original von San
no, I've not.

You can have an English part & a German one & send more than one letter, which makes the likelihood he'll read it even bigger.

well, this is a good idea!
ofcours the German part will be very small....
and I'll send another letter as I know more German!
not bad San..

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 26.07.2003, 21:46:



little by little...

(I was taught more Russian by the Russians today)

You can put English words in brackets if you don't know the German word. This will help Dani learn some more English ;-)

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.07.2003, 23:29:


I wish he could only teach me a thing or two.... in German I mean...

I started to jog on thursday and I did so also today... all my mucsels are hurt! and I can hardly move!!

well, suppose I need to get a shower now... hot shower to help my mucsels!

when I'll be in the summer camp I'll have a lot of free time, so I'll take that time to sharp my German and to maybe right a letter to Daniel...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 01.08.2003, 16:30:


Hello everybody!

well, my summercamp got a bit shorter...
it is very hot there, and I don't know..
I felt *BLA*!so let me tell you a bit about how it was:
the first 4 days were work days, we build our buildings and had a realy hard work!
the last 2 days were the days which the cadets came...
so I was bored, and just went back home...

I think I'l maybe go back there on sunday untill monday morning...

hope to hear from you soon!!!

the army sent me a letter which sais that my drifting to the army will be on October 1st!!!!!
which means I have exactly 2 month from today!!!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 02.08.2003, 00:02:


Hi adi,

welcome back - I hope you had a good time. Did you find the time to write a letter to Daniel and did you send it off?

And have you already sent your photograph to 'Pflanzenzora'?


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 02.08.2003, 09:56:


Original von lingling
Hi adi,

welcome back - I hope you had a good time. Did you find the time to write a letter to Daniel and did you send it off?

And have you already sent your photograph to 'Pflanzenzora'?

liebe Lingling!
unfortunatly I did not had any time to write a letter to Daniel, because as I said, we built the buildings for the first 4 days and then it was to hot to do anything!!! (hot, not mad)
and no, I haven't sent my photograph to Pflanzenzora but if I have time i'll do it in the rest of the week!


Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von emijah am 02.08.2003, 10:23:


heeey everyone!

sorry i havent posted for ages, but ive been very very busy!!!

how is everyone?


Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 02.08.2003, 20:13:


we are all fine...
well, at least I am!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 03.08.2003, 14:04:


Hi adi,

what's the weather like at the moment in Israel?

In Germany it is very hot - at least in the area where I live.

But this is a nice excuse to hang around an do nothing - just relax, have a cold drink and pretend you're on holiday


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 03.08.2003, 19:38:


it also very hot in Israel...
how could I explain...
you see the very hot weather as an acceptional... here it normal to have a very hot summer.. it is like that since I can remember... only here, it is only hot, no rains in between...
and the rest of the year is also hot... this year we have a very cold winter... which you are used too...

did you understand what I am saying?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 03.08.2003, 23:09:


Yes, I do understand what you meant.

So you are used to the heat and you don't suffer as we do here.

Actually most people here complain about the cold weather all the time, but when it is hot for a few days they're not happy either.

Where do you normally spend your holidays and where would you like to travel to?

I like Spain and Italy but this year I haven't been on holiday yet.


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 03.08.2003, 23:48:


don't be mistaken!
although it is hot here more then it is in Germany most of the year, I can't get used to it...
can you get used to the cold?
that is why my fav. season is the automn.

my vacations are usually at home.... with friends..
but in the last holidays I went traveling with the scouts in Israel.
on Hannuka we went to the south, near Eilt, and on Passover we went to the north of Israel.
I liked the north better, it is cooler there, and more green, a lot of plants and trees. you must come over and I'll do to you a "tour-d'Israel" (style tour-de-France)
my dream holiday is to come to Germany, and to see all of you and Daniel live!!!!
I want to talk to you all face to face.....
it would be nice!
but also I liked London, and the US.
this Friday I will fly to Kos (in Greece)

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 04.08.2003, 00:29:


Hi adi,

no I never get used to the cold - I hate it!!! In winter it's awful, I just sit by the radiator wearing a cardigan and dream of the summer.

I like springtime when you can sit outside in a cafe, but when it's not too hot. The birds sing and you can smell the flowers, that's very nice.

So, you fly to Kos on Friday - that's a long journey!! I hope you'll enjoy it.

I'm going to a concert on Wednesday - guess what concert?

Yes, it's Daniel in J?lich - I can't wait.....


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 04.08.2003, 08:53:


you are soooooooooooo lucky!
I would change my flight to kos if I could go to a Dani-concert!

after the concert, could you tell me all about it?!?!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 04.08.2003, 13:08:


I will tell you all about the concert I want to Kassel two weeks ago and it was great - even better than his first concerts in Bavaria. You can tell the difference now - he is a young man now and no longer a boy.

I hope you can see him one day live on stage.

Do a lot of people know him in Israel or just a few?


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 06.08.2003, 22:08:


Original von lingling
I will tell you all about the concert I want to Kassel two weeks ago and it was great - even better than his first concerts in Bavaria. You can tell the difference now - he is a young man now and no longer a boy.

I hope you can see him one day live on stage.

Do a lot of people know him in Israel or just a few?

you are right!
Daniel has changed!
but for good... he is more meture now...
no longer the boy from dsds...
but the man from the Dani-tour!!

I also hope that one day, I will see him!
who knows, maybe when I'm in kos he will also be there... doing a story for rtl news...
alex was in Turkey lately wasn't he?

and about Daniel and Israel..
no, not a lot of people know him here...
keep in mind that not a lot of people came from a German background like I did..
I know some people who heard of him.. and one mom that is a Faniel (not mine).... but that's all....

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 07.08.2003, 13:47:


Hi adi,

I keep my fingers crossed that you'll see him in Greece!!! Why not, everything is possible and Daniel travels a lot at the moment. And he needs a holiday.

Daniels has fans in many countries, eg. Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland etc. so if he becomes more and more popular may be one day the people in Israel will get to know him.

Yesterday I went to his concert in J?lich and it was wonderful He was soooooo sexy, and apart from the first song (superman) his voice was very good.

He also performed a song that he wrote when he was twelve years old and you can image that I loved it.

Everytime when I see him I think he's better than before, I can say he's a fantastic entertainer!!!


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 08.08.2003, 16:08:


Hey lingling!
I worte a long long answer, but my computer went Kaputt....
so, I'll start it al over!

I checked and Danis calander is blank in the 13-14/8... hope he will be there... but then again, he will probably want to be home, or in a place with no fans...
just hope he won't be in Israel in this time...*lolol*

I hardly think that Daniel could become a star in Israel..
the people here are not ready at the moment for this crazy guy that can't talk English, and on top of all... he is German.. ( I don't have nothing against Germans! I love you all... however some people here can't forgive...you know what I mean don't you?)

about the concert-
I'm realy glad you had good time!
and I'm also glad that his voice is getting better live..
my mom always says-
"the boy is cute, he is smart, and nice.....but he CAN'T SING LIVE!!!"
when I try to explain to her that it doesn't metter to us, she sais that I'm crazy and laugh..

what was the song he wrote about?
did he did it good?
what was he wearing in the concert?
what song did he sing?

well, my flight is at 22:00.... so I need to be in the airport (which is 4 minutes from my house) at 19:30...
we have a heavy security checks (better safe then sorry) that takes a lot of time...

I'm sooooo nervous!
more excited actually!
I hope I will meet there some european people so I could practice my louzy German...

well, I will realy miss you all!
hope I'll find a coffee place with computers there so I could see at least once or twice!!

a lot of kisses and hugs!!!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 09.08.2003, 00:19:


Hi adi,

Oh, I think my answer comes too late now - you're already on the way?!?!

Well, anyway, I hope you have a wonderful time - with or without Daniel! I'm sure you meet German people there (because they're everywhere) and you can practice your German.

I don't think that Daniel could be a star in Israel, but I think there's a place for everyone. And when you write that a lot of people can't forget - I know what you mean. But the Daniel-Fans would be younger people, and I think they are more tolerant, educated so they don't judge people for things that happened before they were borne.

I try to find some picture of his concert, so you can see what he was wearing and I give you the link to Ayliena's page, where you can listen to his song ( we call it Daniels Song).

Here it is: http://www.daniels-fanpage.de/

The songs are hidden and you have to click on the top blue banner.

I hope it works - but it is not the complete song...

Wonderful holiday and come back safely - I'll miss you


By the way - I've just heard that Daniel is on the way to Israel now.....only kidding!


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von San am 09.08.2003, 00:40:



remember how we used to argue about the 'can't forget' & 'too young to be guilty'?

That was long ago it seems & now we've left it behind somehow...

Once you make friends things will look different - fortunately. You'll progress with German & get to know how Germans really feel about things. This is the first step in overcoming old resentiments and Daniel can be the key. You're of a new generation that can teach the old ones to make peace too.

Geschrieben von MissSelfish am 12.08.2003, 19:38:


hi there.

i did not know there is an english talk.
today i saw it for the first time!
Thats great.
Are you just talking english for fun or are there any people from another country?

Yes...tell everybody in the world who is:

"Wenn dich die Menschen ?rgern,
so ?rgere dich nicht,
sei du die liebe Sonne
lach allen ins Gesicht"

Geschrieben von lingling am 12.08.2003, 20:02:


@Miss Selfish

No, we don't just talk English for fun - we take it very seriously.....

Actuallay, adi is the only person here who doesn't speak German - she is from Israel but at the moment she is in Greece on holiday - hoping to meet Daniel there.

And I think you're right - the whole world should know how wonderful Daniel is.


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von MissSelfish am 13.08.2003, 13:09:


Thats what i think!
For example: I just talked to a good friend of mine when we meat in Tunesia. He is from Italy and has never heard of Daniel before
He has to be a worldstar!

Oh, no. Thats not good. Or he will be travelling around the world all the time. Thats even more far away...

"Wenn dich die Menschen ?rgern,
so ?rgere dich nicht,
sei du die liebe Sonne
lach allen ins Gesicht"

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 13.08.2003, 15:44:


well, I omly have 5 minutes left on the internet!!
I'm now in kos..
and I'm having great time!!!
I'm sorry but I didn't have time to read your postings!!!

I'll read them on saturday when I'll be back home!!!
well, I'll miss you till then!!

a lot of kisses and hugs!!


Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von K?bi girl am 14.08.2003, 12:39:



I'm so glad that finally we have a chat in English. My German is not so good and I just love to talk in English.

So.... I come from Slovenia and I will be 16 in November. I am a HUGE Faniel. I have all his CD-s, I buy all the magazins in wich he is, I bought many clothes that are very simular to his,...

I'm jus crazy about him!

Geschrieben von lingling am 14.08.2003, 13:33:


Hi adi - I' m glad that you have a great time in Kos - have you already met Daniel . Enjoy your holidays and we'll 'speak' when you come back.

Hi k?bi girl,

Welcome - can you watch the German TV-Programme (eg. RTL) oder do they also show Daniel on local TV?

Are you the only Faniel or are there many other Fans in Slovenia?

Hope to hear from you again.



Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von MissSelfish am 14.08.2003, 16:55:

  hi there


Can you buy Daniel-CDs in Slovenia??
I thought they just sell them in Germany?!
But thats great!

I also want to know if there are other faniels in other countries or if there are only some exeptions who are taken for crazy because they like a crazy bavarian entertainer...


"Wenn dich die Menschen ?rgern,
so ?rgere dich nicht,
sei du die liebe Sonne
lach allen ins Gesicht"

Geschrieben von K?bi girl am 14.08.2003, 20:14:



I can't say that I'm the only Faniel in Slovenia, but there is only few of us. I think that less than ten. Almost everybody knowes him, but I think that Slovenia isn't so opend for people like Daniel(different, crazy). Especially boys don't like him at all. But who cares about boys. There are also many people that like Daniel, but aren't fans.

I can watch RTL, ZDF and all this programs. I also buy all magazines(Yam, Bravo, Top of the Pops, Popcorn). CD's come in Slovenia verry late and only in M?ller store, but my mothers uncel, that lives in Frankfurt, send me every CD.

I have a question about "Superstar" Alexander: Is he in Germany more popular than Dani? I just don't like him at all. He's making me sick.

Geschrieben von lingling am 14.08.2003, 20:21:


@K?bi girl

Yes you are right - superstar Alexander is more popular here in Germany, that's why most people voted for him. But I don't think he will last very long because he is nothing special - if you like Robbie Williams songs - then you buy the original not a copy.

As in Slovenia people in Germany are not open yet for somebody like Daniel - and especially the men/boys have problems with him. So, you see our countries have a lot in common.

As your mother's uncle lives in Frankfurt you are very lucky - he can buy you all the CDs and the merchandising articles like calendar, book etc. You have to be nice to him

It's nice to talk to you - see you later.



Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 16.08.2003, 13:09:


I'm glad to see we have a new Faniel here so..

well, I'm back home now..
I had the time of my life in Kos, and I didn't want to come back.. however, every good thing must come to its end sometime...
I maid a lot of new friends (Israelis) that were in the same hotel like I did,

On my last night I was sitting at the sidewalk when I heard German, then I said to my friend, they are Germans, and they asked if I'm also, then I said not but I'm from Israel half German, and I'm a kuebi-Fan..
then one of tem (they both were drun, but one was lightly silber) so, the extrimly drunk said that her friend is a Faniel also, and she started to sing heartbeat... I was so happy!!!!
anyway- she told me that Dani told in the news that when he was young he was ill and used a wheelchair... do you know what is it all about?

hope to hear from you all soon!
~ich~s (Israelis)

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von San am 16.08.2003, 15:04:



nice to know you weren't affected by the earthquake!

So you did meet Dani - though not in person ;-)

Yes, he spent kinda 3 months in a wheelchair. He said one day he couldn't move, his legs just took some time off. We'll know when his books is released. So keep your German fit

Geschrieben von Flaumur am 16.08.2003, 15:12:


I think it's great when there are Faniels in other countries, too!

Make him FAMOUS all over the world!!!

Geschrieben von MissSelfish am 17.08.2003, 11:21:


Oh, you all are travelling!
I will also be away next week (24-29)
But i stay in germany.
I will go to Berlin and see how many Faniels there are!

"Wenn dich die Menschen ?rgern,
so ?rgere dich nicht,
sei du die liebe Sonne
lach allen ins Gesicht"

Geschrieben von lingling am 17.08.2003, 12:39:


Hi adi,

I'm glad you had a wonderful time in Greece - and the best is, you met people who know Daniel.It would have been nicer for you if you had met the real Daniel but nevermind....

that when he was young he was ill and used a wheelchair.

Yes, we know about it - Daniel said this in an interview on RTL - but it was only for a short period.

I'm sure we can read all about it in his biography.

Have a nice day



Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 18.08.2003, 22:16:


well, hello everyone!
thank you for the answer about Daniel!!

I was also on a wheelchair once...
I was very very very sick, and I couldn't walk because I was very weak (amm, not strong..)
so they put me on a wheelchair so I wouldn't do anything...

anyway... now I'm also sick- I have a cold (god knows how on 30+ degrees I could have a cold...)

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 19.08.2003, 15:45:


Hi adi,

sorry that you're having a cold - but it's got nothing to do with the temperature - I often get colds when I'm on holiday or so - because of the air condition and because I don't wear enough clothes

I hope you are better soon.

Daniel is on holiday (Mauritius for 10 days) as well as you probably know - I'm sure he's having a great time.


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 22.08.2003, 17:44:


hello everyone!

my cold is almost over!
it was because the cold evenings and my cloth didn't cover enough body.........lol

I'm sure Daniel is having great time...
I wish I could be there also...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.08.2003, 21:14:



why isn't anypne writes 2 me?!?!!?!??!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von SunnyBunny am 25.08.2003, 21:15:


hi adi
how are you???

You are my heartbeat......
ich gr??e Jasha(l?p ya!),Bimpf,kodak,daniel_drives_me_crazy,Siemoenchen,Kiri,Lalita,Alecy,mausi
12343,Eli,Lucie,Mysti,Motti,Taha!und alle Janiels!!!Hab euch alle lieb!
Ganz besonders gr?? ich danischatz!!!ILD

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.08.2003, 21:17:



I'm fine!!!

and you?!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von SunnyBunny am 25.08.2003, 21:19:


I'm not so fine
i have a cocertcard for coburg but i can't visit it

You are my heartbeat......
ich gr??e Jasha(l?p ya!),Bimpf,kodak,daniel_drives_me_crazy,Siemoenchen,Kiri,Lalita,Alecy,mausi
12343,Eli,Lucie,Mysti,Motti,Taha!und alle Janiels!!!Hab euch alle lieb!
Ganz besonders gr?? ich danischatz!!!ILD

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.08.2003, 21:28:


why can't you go?!?!

can't you sell the ticket to someone else?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von SunnyBunny am 25.08.2003, 21:30:


Original von adi_is_17
why can't you go?!?!

can't you sell the ticket to someone else?

my mother is in the gruftie-convention and after the concert she sleep in a hotel with the other grufties...
also i want to drive back but my mum not....
(sorry my english is terrible...)

You are my heartbeat......
ich gr??e Jasha(l?p ya!),Bimpf,kodak,daniel_drives_me_crazy,Siemoenchen,Kiri,Lalita,Alecy,mausi
12343,Eli,Lucie,Mysti,Motti,Taha!und alle Janiels!!!Hab euch alle lieb!
Ganz besonders gr?? ich danischatz!!!ILD

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 25.08.2003, 22:59:


well, I don't know what to say.....

what is gruftie-convention??

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von SunnyBunny am 26.08.2003, 08:38:


the gruftie-convention is a name for the old people in this forum....
they make a meeting in a hotel.....

You are my heartbeat......
ich gr??e Jasha(l?p ya!),Bimpf,kodak,daniel_drives_me_crazy,Siemoenchen,Kiri,Lalita,Alecy,mausi
12343,Eli,Lucie,Mysti,Motti,Taha!und alle Janiels!!!Hab euch alle lieb!
Ganz besonders gr?? ich danischatz!!!ILD

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.08.2003, 22:07:


your mo mis also a Faniel?!?!
that is sooooooo cool!!!!!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von *aileea am 26.08.2003, 22:11:


Hi adi.
How are you?


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.08.2003, 22:13:


I'm o-k!

and you?!?

you know that Daniel will be 18 here in 50 minutes?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von *aileea am 26.08.2003, 22:18:


I?m not so fine because I can?t go to Daniel?s Concert in Coburg on Friday, where almost all of my friends from the forum will go...

Yes, Daniel will soon be 18, but here in Germany it will take some hours more than in Israel.


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.08.2003, 22:30:


Original von *aileea
I?m not so fine because I can?t go to Daniel?s Concert in Coburg on Friday, where almost all of my friends from the forum will go...

Yes, Daniel will soon be 18, but here in Germany it will take some hours more than in Israel.

well, can't you go a day before and stay in one of the other Faniels house? then stay after the forum untill the next day and your mom will come and pick you up then??

Germany is only 1 hour behind Israel...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von *aileea am 26.08.2003, 22:33:


Thank you adi, good suggestion, but another problem is, I haven?t got a ticket yet... perhaps one of my friends can help me, I have to ask them.


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.08.2003, 22:37:


I'm glad I could help!!!!

but didn't you have a ticket?

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von *aileea am 26.08.2003, 22:40:


No, I haven?t. But maybe my friends from "Gypsy?s Welt" (that?s a thread in "Small talk" where we often meet) can help me. I?m just talking with them about that...

And you? You can?t go on a concert because it?s too far away, can you?


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von *aileea am 26.08.2003, 22:51:


I?ll go now and stay in "Gypsy?s Welt" for a while, waiting for Daniel?s birthday.


Design: Gypsyqueen

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.08.2003, 22:54:


it is a deferent time zone here... (well, only an hour but still...)
anyway, it is too expensive to fly over...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 26.08.2003, 22:55:


but it is an hour from mow!

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 27.08.2003, 13:37:


Hi everyone!

It's Daniel's birthday today

He is eighteen now and he could get married if he wanted to.

If he passes his driving licence he will soon be driving through Bavaria in a green VW Beetle. So you can't miss him.


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von K?bi girl am 27.08.2003, 19:36:



Today is Dani's birthday. How nice!
My sweet little K?bi is 18 years old, I mean young.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 28.08.2003, 12:21:


he is so lucky to have a car!!
and a new one!!
and a beetle!!
I love those cars!

anyway, he is now 18 and a day....

an all the excitment is gone.. (or.. is it?!?!)

and now, we will just wait for his 19th birthday!!

when will he start a new tour??

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von K?bi girl am 29.08.2003, 20:54:


Adi...He will start a new tour on 2. of November. The 1. koncert will be in M?nchen(I think).

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 30.08.2003, 12:37:


wow cool!

a little more then 2 weeks later, I will be joining the army...

well, that's life!!
anyway, will he sing the same songs?
won't it be cold on november?????

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 31.08.2003, 23:46:


Hello ,

adi, you're joining the army in November? Are you looking forward to it, or what do you think about it? And for how long will it be?

We don't know whether Daniel will be singing the same songs in November, but I hope he will also sing some new ones. May be he will do a good mix of old and new songs.

Yes, it will be cold in November - actually it was already cold today - but the concerts will be indoor.


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 03.09.2003, 19:37:


Original von lingling
Hello ,

adi, you're joining the army in November? Are you looking forward to it, or what do you think about it? And for how long will it be?

We don't know whether Daniel will be singing the same songs in November, but I hope he will also sing some new ones. May be he will do a good mix of old and new songs.

Yes, it will be cold in November - actually it was already cold today - but the concerts will be indoor.

ok, about the army-
I don't quit looking forward to it... it is still 2 years of my life which I can do much more importent stuff with, like education, and work... but well, I' mnot the only one who joines the army... everyone must do it...
I don't think the army is a good thing, but since I must, I don't have much more to do...

my mom told me it was snowing in Germany!!!
sooo fun!!!
it is only snow here in January.. and it isn't all across the country, only in high places like Jerusalem or the Chermon....(the highest mountin in Israel)
so I don't get to see snow that much in my life...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

Geschrieben von lingling am 04.09.2003, 20:09:


Hello everyone,

Hi adi,

just one more question about the army, are you able to study there or to do something for your carrer? Then it wouldn't be so bad. But if you have to go you have to go. So I think, it's the best to accept it like you do.

Well, at the moment, it's not snowing here, actually it is getting a bit warmer now.

I don't know whether you've seen it, but yesterday they started with the new series of 'Deutschland sucht den Superstar'. A lot of young men now try to imitate and copy Daniel, and they think they'll be as successful as he is. But there won't be another DANIEL!!!

He's just unique!


Ich finde, dass ich eine starke Pers?nlichkeit bin.

Ich m?chte hoch hinaus - wie Goethe.

Geschrieben von adi_is_17 am 06.09.2003, 12:58:


Original von lingling
Hello everyone,

Hi adi,

just one more question about the army, are you able to study there or to do something for your carrer? Then it wouldn't be so bad. But if you have to go you have to go. So I think, it's the best to accept it like you do.

ammmmm... in the army there is a special programm that if you want to study you can, and the army is paying for your studies, HOWEVER, you then must givethe army more time. but it is good, I mean you can do your doctor trainnig there (I hope you know what I'm saying)....
but if you take the "regular" then you can't study... but again, it is depends on what you are doing...

Live and let Live!

the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering.........

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