Autor |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
Wo ist eigentlich unsere Adi_is_17 ?!?
*missing you*
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
25.06.2003, 15:14 |
Daniel Bestfan Deluxe +

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: Rheinland-Pfalz 562,3 km von Dani entfernt *heul*
Beiträge: 5318 |
komisch ich hab sie auch schon lang nicht mehr gesehen!
__________________ You are my heartbeat...... ich gr??e Jasha(l?p ya!),Bimpf,kodak,daniel_drives_me_crazy,Siemoenchen,Kiri,Lalita,Alecy,mausi
12343,Eli,Lucie,Mysti,Motti,Taha!und alle Janiels!!!Hab euch alle lieb! Ganz besonders gr?? ich danischatz!!!ILD
25.06.2003, 15:17 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
Hey Adi,
come back =)
We miss ya!!!!!
Hugs Julie
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
25.06.2003, 16:06 |
Super Moderator

Dabei seit: Dezember 2002
Herkunft: HH [Hamburg / h?bsch, h?bsch ;)]
Beiträge: 11345 |
don't know ;)
.:26.11.2oo3, HH - Auch der Norden ist K?blb?ck!:.
.:2o.1o.2oo3 - TRAiNSPOTTiNG - Malersaal[Schauspielhaus Hamburg]:. .:Januar 2oo4 - ROMEO + JULiA - Schauspielhaus Hamburg:. 
Na, Floddali? Alle Stifte wieder aufgesammelt?

25.06.2003, 16:09 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Dezember 2002
Herkunft: Ludwigsburg
Beiträge: 3548 |
wei? ich au net..... werd jetzt bald nene brief an sie abschicken, aba bis der dort is dauerts wieda ne Woche... 
 Gr??e an meine M?LLFAMILY [COOKIEMONSTER, FLODDA, GANGSTA, GREENY, JESSI, KATHY, KLEINE, MAJA + die KommuNIKAtive] und an adi, Andrea, Ann?, Becky, Cyara, Leonie + *leo*, Lisa, Steffi und Tanja
.:Countdown to BaW?-NRW-Tour:.
.:Never forget Ingolstadt + STUTTGART:.
25.06.2003, 16:13 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
maybe she dont like dani anymore.... *joke* 
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
25.06.2003, 16:13 |
Daniel Bestfan Deluxe +

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Schwerin
Beiträge: 5600 |
maybe her parents said that she isn't allowed to go on this site any more?
25.06.2003, 16:14 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
25.06.2003, 16:22 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Dezember 2002
Herkunft: Ludwigsburg
Beiträge: 3548 |
Zitat: Original von *Julie*
Zitat: Original von kathz
wei? ich au net..... werd jetzt bald nene brief an sie abschicken, aba bis der dort is dauerts wieda ne Woche...
sag ihr liebe Greeetz
Okay, mach ich!!
 Gr??e an meine M?LLFAMILY [COOKIEMONSTER, FLODDA, GANGSTA, GREENY, JESSI, KATHY, KLEINE, MAJA + die KommuNIKAtive] und an adi, Andrea, Ann?, Becky, Cyara, Leonie + *leo*, Lisa, Steffi und Tanja
.:Countdown to BaW?-NRW-Tour:.
.:Never forget Ingolstadt + STUTTGART:.
25.06.2003, 16:30 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
25.06.2003, 16:36 |
Daniel Bestfan Deluxe +

Dabei seit: Januar 2003
Herkunft: Berlin :)
Beiträge: 5488 |
25.06.2003, 19:04 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: sW!tZeRlaNd
Beiträge: 3820 |
25.06.2003, 20:17 |
Daniel Best-Fan

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Sachsen
Beiträge: 1967 |
von mir auch b?dd?...
vielleicht hat sie ja keine zeit...
"A dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it" The Rasmus 4 eva
greetz to Dsunshine, E-b?r und Danis*Angelz
25.06.2003, 21:57 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
Ahhhh... Adi is back... I see ya... *smile*
Whatz going on???? Where have u been?
Hugs Julie 
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
27.06.2003, 11:43 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
ADI schreibt mir regelm??ig PN. Es geht ihr also gut. Und sie beginnt, Deutsch zu lernen. Ich frage mich schon lange, wie sie dieses Forum 'lesen' kann ohne Deutsch ;-) Muss sehr demotivierend sein, viele offene Fragen, ?berall liest sie 'Daniel' & wei? nicht, was es bedeutet. W?r doch sch?n, wenn dieser Thread oben bleibt. Wir hatten schon mal einen English Thread (von Adi). Den k?nnte man doch nutzen als Forum im Forum f?r englischsprachige Faniels. Das hei?t aber auch f?r uns, diesen Faniels ein wenig Zeit zu widmen & beim ?bersetzen zu helfen. Ist aber machbar, wir sind viele!
27.06.2003, 14:14 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
Find ich klasse =)
Ich glaub sie hat den Threat nur noch net gesehen..
Ich stell mir das auch sehr schwer vor...
Vor der Danielzeit war ich in dem US-Forum... oh oh... ich hab imma nur Bahnhof verstanden... =))
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
27.06.2003, 16:19 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Du meinst diesen Thread?
Wir k?nnen Adis English Tread ja mal suchen & hochbringen.
27.06.2003, 16:50 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: sW!tZeRlaNd
Beiträge: 3820 |
Zitat: Original von *Julie*
Find ich klasse =)
Ich glaub sie hat den Threat nur noch net gesehen..
Ich stell mir das auch sehr schwer vor...
Vor der Danielzeit war ich in dem US-Forum... oh oh... ich hab imma nur Bahnhof verstanden... =))
heheh... ich liebe englische bzw amerikanische forums... da war ich bevor ich hier war die ganze zeit... nur hab ich jetzt keine zeit mehr daf?r...dieses froum hier nimmt mich richtig ein... *ggg*
*oooh, mein goottt!! diese arme wiese!*  ~its funny how life can take new meanin - u came & changed what i believed in~ 
27.06.2003, 18:00 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
This is too funny! We're hoping for Adi to show up & maybe she already has, but what's the use if we stick to German? She'll read her name but won't see this is an invitation for her to join this thread 
27.06.2003, 20:39 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
29.06.2003, 12:41 |
Daniel Fan *****

Dabei seit: Juni 2003
Herkunft: K?lle
Beiträge: 198 |
hey there..
welcome back :)
actually don't even know you , probably cause i just discovered this board like 2, 3 weeks ago.
but since this is an english thread, i need to reply lived in the states for quite some time and came back in may...miss talking english sooooo much. where are you from? and how come you signed up here..do you understand german at all? i'd be so lost ;-)
__________________ Anmeldung zum Ballon-Treffen an Daniels Geburtstag unter: http://www.daniel.zuckerschlampe.de/
..hab 'nen Luftballon gefunden, denk' an dich und lass ihn fliegen..
29.06.2003, 13:50 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
Hello annar!
Hello Annar!
how nice of you to welcome me!
too bad that you only recently discovered this bored, but then again, better late then never...
this is sooo cool that you lived in the states, for how long did you lived there?
well, anyway- I'm from Israel, and I got here.. ammm long story, but let's tell it anyway-
I recorded one of daniel's performence, and then I saw a sign with his official fan-page forum site, I entered tere, and then I looked for another cool pages and I found this one....
and no, I don't speak German (unfortunatly)
anyway- Welcome!
I hope you'll enjoy the page and the people (lovely people!)
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
Dieser Beitrag wurde von adi_is_17 am 29.06.2003, 15:23 Uhr editiert.
29.06.2003, 14:45 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Dezember 2002
Herkunft: Ludwigsburg
Beiträge: 3548 |
Hiiii Adi!!
Welcome back!
missed ya soooooooo much 
 Gr??e an meine M?LLFAMILY [COOKIEMONSTER, FLODDA, GANGSTA, GREENY, JESSI, KATHY, KLEINE, MAJA + die KommuNIKAtive] und an adi, Andrea, Ann?, Becky, Cyara, Leonie + *leo*, Lisa, Steffi und Tanja
.:Countdown to BaW?-NRW-Tour:.
.:Never forget Ingolstadt + STUTTGART:.
29.06.2003, 15:24 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
I missed you too sweety!!!
how was your exams?
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
29.06.2003, 15:36 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Welcome back, Adi,
I see you got my message ;-)
Are you sure you can alter your name without new registering? Think twice, you'd be 'Daniel Laie' (=beginner) again & have a new identity with a new mailbox etc.
29.06.2003, 16:11 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: M?nchen
Beiträge: 3087 |
29.06.2003, 16:17 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
yes I did!
sorry i haven't answered yet.....
but you raised a good point- my status will break here if I'll re-register!!!
how are you?
I missed you all too!!!
I promise- except of some exeptions, I'll never leave for such a long time!
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
29.06.2003, 16:38 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
take your time. If you answer immediately & I do the same we'd answer ourselves to death ;-) You know I'm drowning in work. Nevertheless, I do love your postings!
Proposal: You could say in your signature you're now 18 or always the same age as Daniel 
29.06.2003, 18:40 |
Daniel Best-Fan

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Sachsen
Beiträge: 1967 |
hi adi
i have missed you *cry* but if you read this you will know that i missed you too...
i'm so happy to read you again 
"A dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it" The Rasmus 4 eva
greetz to Dsunshine, E-b?r und Danis*Angelz
29.06.2003, 21:12 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
30.06.2003, 11:14 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
02.07.2003, 11:33 |
Daniel Fan *****

Dabei seit: Juni 2003
Herkunft: K?lle
Beiträge: 198 |
Zitat: Original von adi_is_17
Hello annar!
Hello Annar!
how nice of you to welcome me!
too bad that you only recently discovered this bored, but then again, better late then never...
this is sooo cool that you lived in the states, for how long did you lived there?
well, anyway- I'm from Israel, and I got here.. ammm long story, but let's tell it anyway-
I recorded one of daniel's performence, and then I saw a sign with his official fan-page forum site, I entered tere, and then I looked for another cool pages and I found this one....
and no, I don't speak German (unfortunatly)
anyway- Welcome!
I hope you'll enjoy the page and the people (lovely people!)
hey there,
i moved to the states april 2002 and came back in may 2003. btw, i knew a girl from israel there as well...is daniel famous over there at all??
without talking german, i would not even have made it through the registry here i guess ;)
did you hear about our balloon-plans for daniels birthday (august 27th)? we're gonna meet in certain citys in germany, austria and switzerland and planing on covering the sky with some "positiv energies"-balloons :-)
you wanna participate? that'd be so cool...if you would send out a balloon from israel as well :)
__________________ Anmeldung zum Ballon-Treffen an Daniels Geburtstag unter: http://www.daniel.zuckerschlampe.de/
..hab 'nen Luftballon gefunden, denk' an dich und lass ihn fliegen..
Dieser Beitrag wurde von AnNaR am 02.07.2003, 12:08 Uhr editiert.
02.07.2003, 12:07 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Hi Adi
How's your prom gown?
Don't miss out - Dani special on RTL (Sat, July 5th 17.15 or earlier). It's been squeezed in, thus not in your tv mag.
02.07.2003, 14:34 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
Zitat: Original von AnNaR
hey there,
i moved to the states april 2002 and came back in may 2003. btw, i knew a girl from israel there as well...is daniel famous over there at all??
without talking german, i would not even have made it through the registry here i guess ;)
did you hear about our balloon-plans for daniels birthday (august 27th)? we're gonna meet in certain citys in germany, austria and switzerland and planing on covering the sky with some "positiv energies"-balloons :-)
you wanna participate? that'd be so cool...if you would send out a balloon from israel as well :)
hello annar!
wow! living in another country is sort of my dream... you know to enter a class and say:
"hello, I'm Adi, and I'm from Israel... we just moved here so....." it could have been cool....
why did you lived there anyway?
yea, the registry was a problem... it took me a long time to understand what they want, especially in the e-mail part... and I still don't know what I've done there....
no, I didn't knew about the ballon plans, but this is why there is an english thread... to keep me up tp date!
yea, maybe I will send a ballon! no, not maybe!- I'll send a ballon for sure! and I'll write on it-
"positve energien auf Israel!" (does auf means from?!?!?)
oh and another question- is it you in the avatar?
the prom is tommorow and I still don't have shoes! all the girls (well, most of us) are coming in black dress, it will loook like a funeral!
I'm so excited! I'm also going to fix my hair tommorow, I'm cutting it a bit (in different sizes... how do you call it?) and I'll straight it (how do you call it?) and I'll do a few baby-lis (do you know what I mean?)
well, I got reherels for the ceremony tommorow, you know wearing black capes and hats, like in America.... and after that, we have the seniors play (we puit up a short play we act.. I have 2 parts... unfortunatly not all our grade wanted to take part so we are about 15 students.....)......
I'll scan pictures of me in the prome dress...
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
02.07.2003, 23:12 |
Daniel Fan *****

Dabei seit: Juni 2003
Herkunft: K?lle
Beiträge: 198 |
Hey Adi
I was an Au Pair / Exchange Student. Lived with a family and cared for their kids and had to study a little...took some weekend courses and english classes and got a scholarship for acting lessons :) was cool. defenetely wanna go back some day. i can just recommend such a year in another country...you learn so much about yourself and other cultures...i never would have imagined that. btw, there's some more information and some pics about my year in the States...i made a page (even english ;) ) http://www.zuckerschlampe.de
Yes, it's me in the pic. Thought I'd dare to try something new and to not put a Daniel-pic in there couldn't decide which one to take anyways...
"from israel" is "aus israel" in german. that is so cool that you're gonna do that, can't believe it.
so it's your prom tomorrow? wow...congrats!! wish you good luck and sure your dress and hairstyle will do just great :) send us some pics if you can.
__________________ Anmeldung zum Ballon-Treffen an Daniels Geburtstag unter: http://www.daniel.zuckerschlampe.de/
..hab 'nen Luftballon gefunden, denk' an dich und lass ihn fliegen..
03.07.2003, 01:02 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
do keep your pretty pic!
why not dare put on a red dress? You'll definitely stick out from the masses, just Dani-like! I'm just catching up... my mum hit 2 parked cars, she's now in hospital & I'm still sixes & sevens.... Dani's Positive Energies in the background must do...
03.07.2003, 23:55 |
Daniel Fan *****

Dabei seit: Juni 2003
Herkunft: K?lle
Beiträge: 198 |
Zitat: Original von San
do keep your pretty pic!
? Don't really get that sentence.
__________________ Anmeldung zum Ballon-Treffen an Daniels Geburtstag unter: http://www.daniel.zuckerschlampe.de/
..hab 'nen Luftballon gefunden, denk' an dich und lass ihn fliegen..
04.07.2003, 08:16 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
Zitat: Original von AnNaR
Zitat: Original von San
do keep your pretty pic!
? Don't really get that sentence.
It means (and I also think so!) that you have a beautiful picture and you should keep it here....
well, I'm back! yesterday was like a dream!
first we all met in classes with our teachers, parents and us, kids. there we talked, heared some "I love you and it is sad to say goodbey" speaches, and then, we got our yearbooks, a little present from the p.t.a,a personal letter from the teacher to us and then-
the official ceremony, the principle talked, and after her the town, ammmm... governer (I think this is his title in English... maybe head town council is more correct?!?!??) after that we got our "diplomas" that says we graduated from 12 years at school, again a little gift from school, a rose, and that is it. after that it was the pupils play, we laughed we had fun we went back home to change cloth and got back to school for the busses!
it was AMAZING, all the girls in their dresses, and high heel shoes, and the boys with their...... jeans and a beutiful shirt.. one boy even came with a toxido.. it was cool! we ate we drank (not alcohol, though there was...)
later at the party- 2 boys asked the d.j for the song- 'you can leave your hat on" and did a strip show... they actually kept their hat on..... and only that....
well, boys...can't leave with them... that is it!
and at about 4:45 the busses came back
at 5:40 I was after a shower, after I took off all the make-up, and went to bed!
WHAT A DAY......
(and you haven't heard it all...)
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
04.07.2003, 13:56 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
@Adi. What a day... wow!!! sounds great... tell us more 
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
04.07.2003, 14:03 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
thanks for explaining, you got me right
Gosh, whatta night! You really enjoyed it ;-)
Remember Alex performing 'You can keep you hat on'?
On Dani's Thank You tour he changed clothes behind a screen to the same song ... whatta difference! You find the appropriate hat & pint pic in the forum (Punkt 6 9 12 4.7.03), it was on RTL today.
My mum is kinda alright. I'll have to do her work but as long as it's just work... 
04.07.2003, 19:16 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
you want to hear more? so-
it started at 08:30 as I woke up for rehersals' then I realized that I still don't have shoes for the prom! so my mom and I drove to the center in my town' and I found nothing' then we drove to a mall in a neighbour city' and then also nothing! then we drove to this city's center! and there I found beatiful shoes! they just waited for me!
then it was 13:10 and I needed to drive back to the hair sallon' I did a hair cut, and straitend my hair (or whatever I write it) and then my mom picked me up back to the house, I watched t.v, got some sleep, and then the electricity shut down in Shoham and the villages nearby, I was very upset but luckily the electricity got back on an hour later... in that hour I fixed my eyebrouse, got a shower (without lights!) and got arranged to the ceremony!
I went to school at about 18:40 to get a gown (amm you know the black coat and the squer hat... like in the movies!) and then all I wrote in the previouse note started.....
ths was yesterday, and I still can't realizethat I finished school! it is very strange... a feelling of emptyness you know?!
how did you feel when you finished school? (julie and san?)
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
Dieser Beitrag wurde von adi_is_17 am 13.07.2003, 22:05 Uhr editiert.
04.07.2003, 19:17 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
did you watch RTL's report on how Dani went buying shoes in London? The fool of me taped sth else on it so I didn't even see it.... I do need some sleep after all the hassle...
Well, I finished school twice, @16 & @19. When I finished @16 I knew I'd go to secondary school & when I finished that I knew I'd go to uni... I was meant to find a job but my teachers convinced my parents I could be a student
There was emptiness though I knew what was to come but it was a new place to live, new people, new institutions etc. When I moved to England it was the same but more extreme, yet I've grown into it... Must be a natural law that there has to be emptiness to create a space for sth new. I'm dead sure cause it's always been this way with me & many others. When you (have to) start a new life you're anxious & wide awake & this is your engine that gives you the power to face things you'd not discover if you stayed in your old life. Mostly, life doesn't change completely but step by step. Certain structures (family, location, friends, hobbies etc.) often stay while career moves on.
According to a cute guy from Eggenfelden, 'Life is too Short' to get stuck at one point...
Dieser Beitrag wurde von San am 05.07.2003, 01:04 Uhr editiert.
05.07.2003, 01:03 |
Daniel Fan *****

Dabei seit: Juni 2003
Herkunft: K?lle
Beiträge: 198 |
Zitat: Original von San
There was emptiness though I knew what was to come but it was a new place to live, new people, new institutions etc. When I moved to England it was the same but more extreme, yet I've grown into it... Must be a natural law that there has to be emptiness to create a space for sth new. I'm dead sure cause it's always been this way with me & many others. When you (have to) start a new life you're anxious & wide awake & this is your engine that gives you the power to face things you'd not discover if you stayed in your old life. Mostly, life doesn't change completely but step by step. Certain structures (family, location, friends, hobbies etc.) often stay while career moves on.Short' to get stuck at one point...
Gosh, you're so damn right...I experienced the same thing..I wrote something about exactly this topic when I left the States to my friends....if you're interested: www.zuckerschlampe.de
"Must be a natural law that there has to be emptiness to create a space for sth new"..wow ...that is so true....i never saw it this way. starting a new life somewhere is such a huge challenge...but having the strength to face that gives you so much more...
Zitat: Original von San
According to a cute guy from Eggenfelden, 'Life is too Short' to get stuck at one point...
Well...who could that be ??
Okay, the two of you, thanks for the compliment.
Glad your prom went well... I quit school kinda inofficially *g* so I never went to my own prom....
anyways, wanna see pics :)
about the shopping thing: i (TRIED) to do some clothes-shopping today, for the first time since i'm back in germany....it's impossible!! crap, really, those seizes...does anybody NOT fit into "S" beside me? not to talk about the prize....
but i went to kookai as well, found the top there that "some little cute guy from eggenfelden" *g* was wearing at his Top Of The Pops perfomance.
Tried it on, but was kinda small. He must be sooo tiny 
__________________ Anmeldung zum Ballon-Treffen an Daniels Geburtstag unter: http://www.daniel.zuckerschlampe.de/
..hab 'nen Luftballon gefunden, denk' an dich und lass ihn fliegen..
05.07.2003, 01:18 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
will do, not now though, head is sinking towards keyboard
Yes, you've been through the same, kind of, you may not have the strength at first but once you're challenged you just grow with it... like me yesterday... had to meet the buyers of granny's furniture (she died 4 weeks ago) & mum was meant to be with me but then crashed into a line of parked cars & I had to drive around in shock, ambulance, police, car service, keys, phone, buyers... all within 2 hours... and when I got the news I was here with the faniels & left this place head over heels...
Well, clothes, I've got 3 wardrobes full of clothes About 95% from English charity shops Sent them over in huge TV boxes (as my housemates there would screw one tv set in every 3 months with their play stations) Some cool stuff, unique too, and only a few quid each Remember Dani's golden Chinese top? I got mine in pink (before he got his ) for only 3 quid. He must have paid round 50 (well, he can afford it )
no need to worry, try to look forward to new opportunities. I never did but from hindsight I really should have. Wasted so much time worrying about things that never happened Instead I got into situations I'd never dreamt of cause they were completely new & gave me the chance to get to know myself outside old boundaries.
05.07.2003, 01:45 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
Hello San and Annar!
I just finished reading those 3 long posts (thank you btw...)
andall I have too say is WOW!
San those words are soo true!
I never looked about it this way, now I have about 5 month to try new stuff, to (finally) find a job I would like, and maybe I'll find a hobby (I do mean to learn German...) and then ( ) my army service...
which I still don't know what I'm gonna do in it!!!!
I should have written them a letter with what I wanna do and then they might have send me something from the list.... but I didn't....
and dear Annar (is that your real name?!?!)
buying cloth is never easy.... esspecialy for us girls... and esspecialy with that weird europ fession... here in Israel (and please forgive me about what I'm going to say) we have much more beautiful cloth, and more "down to earth" prices...
you can finish here a great buying with 50-60 euro... lets see...
fox (not the t.v channel...), is now in sale so their price are between 29.90-99.90 in t-shirts (in Shekels) and pents are between 99.90-199.90 (in the 2nd sale it will be 2 pents in 100 and so on...)
now, Castro (another Israeli shope, reminds kookai) it is more classy and expensive /i didn't get the chance to check their prices YET, but I'll do it sometime next week....
well that is it, ofcours I have much more to write but I' hungry...
oh, btw- what is quid???
and last thing san!
how is your mother doing?
and how did she got into parked cars?!?
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
05.07.2003, 08:22 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
you're the 1st person ever that looks for a hobby
One just likes certain things... and calls them hobbies. That easy ;-) Anyway, German is also a USEFUL hobby. I'm not only saying this as a teacher. This forum is a treasure & you can get the key.
Don't think the army works like a wish list. They want you to learn to obey... Would be fun if you came along saying ... well, I'd prefer this to that, a job in the office would be nice .. oh, you want me to clean the floor, nooo, it's actually not what I've imagined*gg*
Yes, clothes ARE expensive over here. Didn't buy a single item for years & still haven't worn every single one from the English charity shops.
A quid is a pound (sterling), British currency, derived from 'liquid' = 'able to pay', mostly used as a name for cash in colloquial speech.
My mum, God knows how she did it... she'll live .... She didn't see the line of parked cars in front of her.... One would imagine cars driving on a road but people just leave their cars wherever they think they have to drop them... esp in villages.... I've got so much work now I don't know where to start! As you can see I've already escaped 
05.07.2003, 12:21 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
well, I never had a hobby that I stuck with... I played tennis for a year, and I'm in the scouts but I go there one in 2 weeks (they days of the scouts is twice a week)
and this is why I have no hobby I guess....
about thre army... I know I probably won't get what I want, HOWEVER, they do send you a list of things that you could do (according to your physical and mental abilities) I got the things with high mental abilitie and low physical (because of my back and knees). OK now, you mark the list from the thing you want the most to the thing you want the list, and send it by telephone.
and no, I won't clean floors, soldiers don't do that....
they hire a cleaning team....
here it isn't cheap if you are Israeli, howvere when you change Euros to Shekels, you get a lot of money....
(about 1=4.9), so for you, it will be cheap... worth the trip...
I'm glad your mom is ok, I know what you mean about the cars..
In Israel, car accidents is the number 1 cause of death... so they allways try to stop that, but there is no way to do so, the Israeli drivers are absolutly CRAZY! even I almost got into an accident, luckily I didn't....
and the parked cars is a problem in the big city where you don't have a place to park...
here it isn't a problem, where I live.
Gosh I wish you could visit me! all of you!
and Daniel...that would be nice.. a 1 on 1 performance...
but, actualy, if you want the truth- I don't want him to be famous here, it is kind of nesty to say but, it is nice to have something to my own, knowing no one else knows him...
is it that bad??
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
06.07.2003, 11:21 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Hi Adi,
nice pic! And more recent too? I'm too daft to have a pic...
Dani to yourself....whew... not nasty or bad, just human... enjoy it as long as it stays that way.... I doubt it'll stay that way for very much longer ;-) He's bound to be famous....
On the RTL Special yesterday he admitted he fancies a person... wild speculations in the forum.... and broken hearts.... having him to oneself will of course stay wishful thinking... a nice thought though .
Good you're not fanatically into a certain hobby. I can't afford it either, Dani's fault!
Fine, do send your wish list to the army if it works like this, fingers crossed
German drivers are just as insane. Yesterday a motocyclist squeezed through my car & the oncoming traffic at the speed of light. He rushed through before I saw him! Gonna visit mum today, while work's piling up...
Would like to go to the real big faniel meeting in Kassel but afraid I won't make it, no ticket as well... but I've got one for the last but one concert. I'd so much like to see the forum faniels....
Who knows, we might meet one day. Once led a work camp (1995) & we're still in touch. Why shouldn't it be the other way round?
If you can change the name of this thread - you should include 'English' or make a new 'Adi's English thread' & copy this thread into it. Foreign fans must be lucky if they click this one as they'd assume it must be German like the other threads.
06.07.2003, 15:10 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
thank you about the compliment, yes it is a new photo, it was taken about no more then 2 months ago......
I tell yo the truth, I don't think that Daniel will be popular here... it is not the kind of music that the Israeli hear.... they like local music, you know, amm mideternian (is that how you write it in English?!!?) and houses and trans... not him... ofcours there are some more open-minded people (such as moi).
yea, I saw the positive energien show yesterday, realy cool!
I want to live there too! inside a firest with all the green arround and the peace and quiet!
he also mentioned that he has someone on his mind and I quot (not exact after all, my mom did translate for me....)
"It doesn't metter if it is a he or a she, as long as this is a nice person..."
should we be worried that he has a lover?
I didn't understand what you wrote when you wrote that:
"Who knows, we might meet one day. Once led a work camp (1995) & we're still in touch. Why shouldn't it be the other way round?"
your Idea about changing the thread's name is great, however, since Julie is the one who built the thread, I believe she is the on;y one (and the moderatorn) who can change the name... isn't it so?!!?
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
06.07.2003, 22:32 |
Daniel Best-Fan

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Sachsen
Beiträge: 1967 |
hi adi
i'm here for a short statement:
i really would like to talk to you a bit, but i'm going now...can we find time(tomorrow or sth) to talk???? please answer 
"A dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it" The Rasmus 4 eva
greetz to Dsunshine, E-b?r und Danis*Angelz
06.07.2003, 22:41 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
no problem. just say when and I'll be here!
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
06.07.2003, 22:52 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Hi Adi,
Dani's music wasn't the kind of music German people would listen to! But he conquered our hearts & opened our minds. Be sure, once more Israelis know him, it will be similar. It's beyond the music. It's his charme! As he said, Germany first, other nations later! .... and he's got to improve on his English.
If he fancies someone, we should be glad. This person won't have an easy life by his side anyway. He deserves some good old lovin' ;-)
Changing the thread's name.... you make a new one, copy the postings into the new one, put a link to the new one in the old one.... that's it!
I was in a rush earlier... I meant I once met people from all over the world in that camp & we're still in touch by internet. The faniels met online & could reverse this by meeting in real life.
07.07.2003, 01:45 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
Hey San!
well, I'm not an internet genious so I'm guessing I can't do what you offered...
however, I'll be more then happy if you will do it for me...
In augost I will go with my friends to cyprus, perhaps I'll meet soe people there which I could talk with them about Daniel (finally!). You know what I mean... (do you?)
And maybe you are right, maybe Daniel will catch the Israeli harts... but he will need to talk English well enough for that... after all, not all Israeli people know German... and not all Israeli people that know German can understand Dani's German.... *ggg*
well, got to go...
I'm searching for more deals for cyprus... though they found a great one- 7 nights including flights and hotel (B&B) for only 408$...
this is not cheap, but the cheapest we could find...
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
07.07.2003, 10:50 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
Hi Adi,
long time we dont hear about ya... =)
I saw your new pic, itz really wonderful!!
What about changing the threat???
Hugs Julie
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
07.07.2003, 12:06 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
HEY Julie!
I'm here every day, all day long!
thank you for the compliment.
about the thread-
San said (and she is right) thet foreign Faniels don't know that this is an English thread, so we should change its name to something like- ~English thread~ or (my favorit) ~Adi's English Thead~ kidding...
but things like that...
what do you think?
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
07.07.2003, 15:30 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
07.07.2003, 15:51 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Dezember 2002
Herkunft: Ludwigsburg
Beiträge: 3548 |
Zitat: Original von adi_is_17
HEY Julie!
I'm here every day, all day long!
thank you for the compliment.
about the thread-
San said (and she is right) thet foreign Faniels don't know that this is an English thread, so we should change its name to something like- ~English thread~ or (my favorit) ~Adi's English Thead~ kidding...
but things like that...
what do you think?
So I changed it - it's something only Moderators can do....
I'll write you a PN later, okay?
 Gr??e an meine M?LLFAMILY [COOKIEMONSTER, FLODDA, GANGSTA, GREENY, JESSI, KATHY, KLEINE, MAJA + die KommuNIKAtive] und an adi, Andrea, Ann?, Becky, Cyara, Leonie + *leo*, Lisa, Steffi und Tanja
.:Countdown to BaW?-NRW-Tour:.
.:Never forget Ingolstadt + STUTTGART:.
07.07.2003, 16:25 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Thank you kathz!
See, Adi, before I came here everything has been sorted out nicely ;-)
Adi, try to look look for youth hostels, offers for students etc. As long as you're under 25 or 27 or even 35 you'll travel cheaper. You just have to use that option.
I'm not so sure if Daniel needs a certain language to put people under his spell. He sings in English. This might even do to transport his message. Before I knew English I too liked certain songs / singers though I didn't get a single word 
07.07.2003, 17:59 |
Daniel Best-Fan

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Sachsen
Beiträge: 1967 |
Zitat: Original von adi_is_17
no problem. just say when and I'll be here!
ok, I'm here nearly every day from 21 to 22.30
I'll look at this thread and when you're here I will be happy
(i hate my english, usually i'm better )
"A dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it" The Rasmus 4 eva
greetz to Dsunshine, E-b?r und Danis*Angelz
07.07.2003, 21:19 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
Hey everyone!
first of all, thank you kathz for changing it for English thread!
second, Yes Julie, I'm here almost all day long... what can I do?!? I have no job or anything else 2 do....
third, San, it doesn't metter about the hostels, the metter is that cyprus is very expensive, and I don't want to do math to buy water bottle (the cyprus money is expensive as the uk's money) greece is better, they pay in Euros so it is cheaper...
about Daniel- yea, you are probably right (as allways!) it doesn't metters the anguage he speaks, it metters that he is cute, and funny, and sing good songs!
and last one-
Little miss heartbeat87, I'll be here in the ties you are... after all, we didn't speak for a long (long) time!
so.. see u here tomorrow! (you rn't here now...)
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
07.07.2003, 22:50 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
why does it have to be Cyprus? I'd drink water from the tap no need to strain the brain by calculating prices....
And if you're bored... why not earn that money?
Help! I'm not 'always right' cause I'm human!
Daniel has to improve on his English, no doubt. But his charme doesn't necessarily depend on the language. When he went shopping in London he seemed to have much fun despite the language barrier ;-)
08.07.2003, 00:16 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
ah, cool, the title is changed 
* Daniel, mein kleiner Paradiesvogel * * Ich glaub an Dich !!! Bussi * -----------------> 
08.07.2003, 12:27 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: sW!tZeRlaNd
Beiträge: 3820 |
juhu... anyone in here??!! =)
hey adi...wasssup?! havent heard from u for a while. hows everythin goin??
any news about the competition u took part in?
sendin u lotsa positive energies... =P
*oooh, mein goottt!! diese arme wiese!*  ~its funny how life can take new meanin - u came & changed what i believed in~ 
08.07.2003, 13:06 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
what's up mizzaj?
I'm ok... Iv'e finished school abput 2 weeks ago and on the 3-7 I had a prom.
well, the competition was no good... I didn't got a place in the delegation... but I'll get there sometimes.
how are you?
yea the tiyle is changed.. cool!
maybe now more foreign non-German-speakers will come and talk to us.... maybe.
that is the problam, I don't know why they want cyprus, Greece is also great, they just 2 stuburn girls.
again, you were right, language is not everything, I love Daniel and I know nothing about German....
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
08.07.2003, 15:07 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
your mom does speak German, doesn't she? Take your chance (*gg*, this is also the title of Alex' album, but still true )
I must have missed out some crucial info.... who's 'them 2 stubborn girls' & what you're gonna do in Cyprus or Greece?
08.07.2003, 16:41 |
Daniel Best-Fan

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Sachsen
Beiträge: 1967 |
hey adi i think i've missed you
how could this happen
ok we'll try again tomorrow ok???? 
"A dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it" The Rasmus 4 eva
greetz to Dsunshine, E-b?r und Danis*Angelz
08.07.2003, 21:57 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
the 2 stuburn girls are the girls I'm going with...
and it is kind of tradition that before the army service you go to cyprus/greece... all the teen-agers in our age are going there.
I'm here!
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
08.07.2003, 22:32 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Hi Adi,
what you're doing in Cyprus? Holidays? Army preparation? Sth else? If it's tradition you could ask the people who went there last year how they found a cheap offer.
08.07.2003, 23:17 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Hi Faniels!
We now have an English thread in which we can post news & facts concerning Daniel & go into raptures over him
The thread is pinned under Daniel-Talk.
(thanks to DSS)
As this one contains merely small talk & private stuff I'd suggest to keep it this way & use the other for Daniel talk. It's important to actually USE that thread to see if there is a response big enough to put up an entire English section in the future.
09.07.2003, 02:45 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
09.07.2003, 12:28 |
Daniel Best-Fan Deluxe

Dabei seit: März 2003
Herkunft: Altensteig / Schwarzwald
Beiträge: 3296 |
09.07.2003, 12:46 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
will see what I can do about registering.....
09.07.2003, 13:02 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
I know I must do that!
and besides it is not that I MUST I raely realy realy want to know another language!
I already know- Hebrew/English/spanish(ammm.. I can understand but hardly talk..)
finally we both online at the same time...
it will be great if you could do something about registering! but, don't do it if you have no time! what about the paper?
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
09.07.2003, 13:09 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
I've already done sth about registration, well it's not up to me to decide anyway but my proposals are sometimes realised.
My suggestion is to pin a thread (only one posting) under Daniel Talk where you find the English instruction for the registration procedure.
Well, my paper.... so behind & all that men's work on my girlie shoulders too..
So what's up with Cyprus?
09.07.2003, 14:02 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
nothing new about cyprus....
I made them want to go to greece, to the iland "kos" maybe you have heard about it...
it is cheaper, we are waiting untill friday night whene their friends are coming back from their, so they will tell us how it was.
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
09.07.2003, 21:30 |
Daniel Best-Fan
Dabei seit: März 2003
Beiträge: 1967 |
Wow, Adi!
Are you a magician or just convincing, sounds quite Daniel-like 'I made them want to go to Greece'

09.07.2003, 21:58 |
Daniel Best-Fan

Dabei seit: April 2003
Herkunft: Sachsen
Beiträge: 1967 |
so i'm here....
"A dead letter is a letter that has never been delivered because the person to whom it was written cannot be found, and it also cannot be returned to the person who wrote it" The Rasmus 4 eva
greetz to Dsunshine, E-b?r und Danis*Angelz
09.07.2003, 22:13 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
no, I'm just very convincing...
I still don't know how Iv'e done it...
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
09.07.2003, 23:55 |
Daniel Superfan Deluxe

Dabei seit: Februar 2003
Herkunft: ISRAEL
Beiträge: 1080 |
well, since we have 2 new non-German fans, we should keep this page I decided to keep this page at the 1st page of "Small talk"
well, @EM-
have you saw fame acadmy?
I did...
I loved the song that Lamar wrote- lullaby, I have even downloaded it from kazaa... it is such a good song!
how does David's career going?
and what about Gareth Gaits? (since I don't know how to spell his name and this was a guess.... I hope you know what I'm talking about).
anyway- how does his career going? I have his c.d and he is also a great singer!
oh and seanad??? (how to write that name corr1ectly?!
what about her??
well, hope you'll answer soon...
__________________ Live and let Live!
the pic' is my yearbook photo.....in case that you were wondering......... <----------------------
Dieser Beitrag wurde von adi_is_17 am 11.07.2003, 18:55 Uhr editiert.
10.07.2003, 15:19 |